Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1835 Li Qiyun was humiliated (2)

Li Qiyun has never been so humiliated before. She clenched her fists in humiliation, her heroic eyes were tough, and she touched her red lips and said, "Even if the company is broken, it is my effort. If Madam doesn't like me, please Let your son not marry me!"

Mrs. Oss looked at her with a sneer and snorted, "Do you think I want you to enter my house? Let me tell you again, you are no longer the eldest lady of the Li family. Do you think you are the only one now? Status, worthy of my son?"

She flicked her gorgeous nails, looked at Li Qiyun coldly, with a contemptuous gesture as if looking at a defective product, "You are not worthy!"

Li Qiyun's face was green and white, as if he had been slapped twice, nailed in place, and retorted, "So I don't want to match it either!"

"Oh, what you say is one thing, and what you do is another. Since you don't want to, tell Oss that you don't plan to get married. On the one hand, you want to climb into our house, and on the other hand, you are pretending. I will tell you Said, I’ve seen too many women who pretend to be like you. It’s just that Oss likes you, and I’ll make my son happy.” Mrs. Oss finished speaking, swept her, and sat on the sofa, “Okay, Go make me a cup of tea."

"I'm going out right now, I still have work!" Li Qiyun forbearably emphasized.

Mrs. Oss picked up the magazine on the table, without raising her eyelids, as if she didn't pay attention to her, and said calmly, "Your job now is to make a cup of tea for your future mother-in-law. Remember, I want an English style Earl Gray black tea. Anyway, you used to be the eldest lady of the Li family, so you should know the tea ceremony, right? I don’t like it too strong, nor too weak. You can decide for yourself.”

Li Qiyun's temples throbbed wildly, his face turned extremely ugly. She wanted to get angry, but she didn't bother to quarrel with a woman like Mrs. Oss. I simply endured it with a cold face, and went back to the kitchen to make tea.

This cup of tea was drunk until the evening before Mrs. Oss left.

She left instead, and at this hour, it was impossible for Li Qiyun to go out to work.

She looked at the uncleaned tea set in the living room, feeling humiliated and angry. She rubbed her swollen temples and rested on the sofa with her eyes closed. When I felt better, I took out my mobile phone and called the company, "I won't come today, tell them, I have a meeting tomorrow morning. There are also my projects that people are watching, remember to keep an eye on me." on."

After speaking, she hung up the phone.

Just about to get up and put the phone aside, the phone dinged and a text message came in.

Li Qiyun clicked on the text message, it was sent by the driver.

—Miss, hurry up and watch the video online.

what video?

She frowned, clicked on the mobile website, and immediately a headline popped up - "The Li Clan's Leader Announces the Marriage Personally, the Li Clan's Chaebol President Will Get Married in Half a Month!" "

Li Qiyun clenched the phone fiercely, couldn't believe it, and quickly turned on the video, which was broadcasting the live broadcast of Mr. Li's press conference.

She is very familiar with the background of the press conference, which is in Li's mansion!

And the old butler stood behind the hale and hearty old man, and every word the hale and hearty old man said was crisply announcing this blockbuster.

There was a buzzing sound in her head.

Although she didn't know who she was marrying, a name suddenly popped up in her mind - Chi Enen!

The old man actually admitted Chi Enen and wanted them to get married? !

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