Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1843 Chi Enen likes children

What does Chi Enen like...

It's as if the woman doesn't have anything in particular to like.

If I have to say what I like in particular, it should be children.

It's impossible for him to find a few children to send there, right?

Sitting on the sofa, Li Beijue frowned in thought, just as Huo Yi parked his car and came in. Seeing his appearance, he guessed that he was probably worried about what Miss Chi said before he went back. After pondering for a moment, he walked up to him respectfully, bowed his head and said, "My lord, you haven't taken the young master and the young lady out for a long time, do you want to take the young master and the young lady out for a day? You may I don’t remember, you took the young master out to play before, and the young master likes the amusement park very much.”

He thought Li Beijue hadn't remembered everything yet.

In fact, he had already remembered all of them!

As soon as Huo Yi mentioned it, he immediately knew when Huo Yi was talking about.

When he was in Lin City, he did take Baby Chi to the amusement park. That day, Chi Baobao had a fight with his kindergarten classmates, and the teacher asked the parents to be invited. Chi Baobei was afraid that Chi Enen would find out, so he asked him to be scolded.

He took the little one to the amusement park that day.

Seeing that he was thinking, Huo Yi continued to hint, "Miss is still young, so she probably hasn't been to an amusement park. If she can go to an amusement park, she must be very happy."

The man who was meditating on the sofa suddenly realized.

His dark eyes suddenly lit up.

yes. Nuonuo is so small, Chi Enen must not worry about Baby Chi taking him with him, when the time comes...

He raised his head suddenly, with a joyful look on his handsome face, and said to Huo Yi, "Help me push back all of tomorrow's schedule, I have something to do tomorrow."

What is it, it goes without saying!

Huo Yi nodded knowingly, and said, "Yes, my lord."

"My lord, you should rest early."

Sir, he hasn't had a good rest these days, so he can sleep well now, right?

"En." The noble man stood up and walked to the bedroom.

It was dark outside.

After taking a shower and drying his hair, he threw the towel aside. He was so happy that even looking at the lamp by the bed was very pleasing to the eye.

He put on his bathrobe, lifted the quilt, and got into bed.

Then he picked up the laptop on the bedside and opened it.

I found the search engine directly and looked it up.

If someone is by your side right now, you will definitely be able to see that the search content he entered is - what is the best place for a family of four to go out on a trip.

A peaceful night.


Early the next morning.

Li Beijue asked Huo Yi to drive outside Quan Dongting's villa.

In the morning, he had already told Chi Baobao first, and sure enough, when his car arrived, he saw Chi Enen in parent-child attire, holding a child with his left hand and the right hand.

It's just that the little boy on the left was obviously not very happy, with his mouth curled up, not knowing what he was thinking.

On the other hand, the little girl was very courageous, looking left and right with her big eyes, as if everything was full of novelty in her eyes.

The car slid in front of the three of them, Huo Yi parked the car and got out immediately.

He helped to open the car door, and greeted with a smile on his face, "Miss Chi, young master, hello young miss. Get in the car first."

"Morning, Housekeeper Huo."

Nuonuo also greeted in a childish voice, "Good morning, Uncle Huo."

The warmth in Huo Yi's eyes was about to overflow, and he held the little girl's hand respectfully, intending to carry her into the car.

Then he turned his head and said to Chi Baobao, "Young master, get in the car first."

Chi Baobao looked reluctant when he saw the man in the car, and his expression became even more awkward.

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