Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1844 A Family of Four Going Out to Play

This morning, the old Wang next door called him and said that he would take him and Nuonuo to the amusement park, so he knew that the old Wang next door was beating his wife's idea.

He didn't want to agree at first, but thinking about what Chi Enen said to him yesterday, he still agreed.

It is better for Old Wang next door to marry Chi Enen than Chi Enen marrying Cizelie.

At least he is not so resistant to calling the neighbor Lao Wang's father.

Besides, if his woman is really with Uncle Caesar, she will definitely have her own child. It's not that he doesn't believe that Chi Enen will always love them.

He didn't believe that his father would be as good as his own father.

Isn't stepmother often played as a bad person in TV dramas?

Therefore, after choosing and choosing, he still had to choose Lao Wang next door.

Chi Baobao became more and more depressed.

He was happy that the old Wang next door was getting married to Chi Enen, but he was also unhappy that the old Wang next door was going to rob him of his wife again. So he is in a very complicated mood now.

Seeing that he didn't move for a long time, Huo Yi was afraid that he would change his mind and not go again. Called him quickly, "Young master?"

"Huh?" Chi Baobao finally recovered from his own thoughts, and became even more depressed. But he let go of Chi Enen's hand and climbed into the car.

After he got into the car, he immediately waved to Chi Enen, "Mummy, come and sit next to me."

Sitting next to him, Chi Enen could stay away from the old Wang next door, and he was in the middle, so the old Wang next door couldn't do anything even if he wanted to.

Chi Enen had never seen a person who was so entangled like him. On the one hand, he insisted on asking her to accompany him to the amusement park, and on the other hand, he deliberately tripped Li Beijue. She couldn't even figure out whether he liked his father or not.

"...Okay." But Chi Enen didn't want to tear down his platform, and sat next to him when he heard him get in the car.

Huo Yi immediately closed the car door for them.

Then he quickly circled to the front and got into the car.

While starting the car, he said, "Miss Chi, today the Sir has found an amusement park suitable for the age of the young lady and the young master. There are carousel horses and so on. The young lady must like it very much."

He paused, glanced through the rearview mirror at the little boy who had kept his mouth shut since he got in the car, and continued, "Besides, that amusement park also has roller coasters and roller coasters that the young master likes." hamburger."

He was obviously taken aback when he saw the sullen little boy in the mirror, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes, but he controlled it very well and did not show his mood clearly. But the tight outline relaxed a lot. He pursed his lips, held back his smile and said, "Master got up very early this morning, and went to several places before choosing this amusement park to take the young lady and the young master to play."

Li Beijue didn't expect him to even say this, frowned, and stopped him, "Why are you so noisy!"

He said so much, if Chi Enen misunderstood that he asked him to say that, what would he think?

He's not the kind of man who wants to take credit for doing something!

"Sorry, sir." Huo Yi also thought of this and closed his mouth.

Li Beijue went to several amusement parks early in the morning, just to help Nuonuo and Chi Baobao choose a place they might like to play?

A smile flickered across Chi Enen's eyes. She sat far away with Chi Baobao in between, so no one noticed her much gentler expression in an instant.

The car drove all the way to the entrance of the amusement park before stopping.

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