Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1856 Are you really going to marry Young Master Li?

After Chi Enen successfully sent the two little guys to Li Beijue's driver's car, he got in the car and rushed to the airport.

She and An Xin made an appointment to meet at the airport, and she had wasted some time in convincing Chi Baobao just now, and it would be too late if she didn't rush there.

Fortunately, Huo Yi drove very fast, and they arrived at the airport at the appointed time.

W Airport is a large international airport, and there are crowds of people everywhere, both men and women, from different countries. After Chi Enen called Lin Anxin, she found the person waiting for her at the airport coffee shop.


The person sitting in the corner was wearing a peaked cap and sunglasses, and no one could recognize her without paying attention. Probably because Chi Enen called her name, the person in the corner raised his head. Seeing that it was her, he took off his glasses.

Seeing her appearance, Chi Enen was stunned for a moment, pulled away from the seat in front of her, and sat down.

Just when the waiter came over, after she ordered a cup of coffee, she looked at Lin Anxin and said, "Anxin, what's wrong with you, why is your face so ugly?"

Lin Anxin's complexion was really ugly, pale and haggard, as if she hadn't slept well for a long time.

It was the first time she saw Lin Anxin like this, usually she was always smiling when it came to big things, it was rare for her to look so listless.

Lin Anxin shook her head, as if she didn't want to say, "It's okay."

Then he deliberately changed the topic and asked, "Where's your baby Chi? Can your little uncle take it with you?"

"No, leave it to Li Beijue." Chi Enen saw that she didn't want to talk, and didn't force himself to ask because of his curiosity.

Lin Anxin squeezed out a smile, and teased, "Young Master Li brought Baby Chi? Then these two days have been quite lively."

After finishing speaking, he immediately blinked his eyes and asked, "No, what's the situation. Why did you give Chi Baobao to Young Master Li to take care of? Aren't you...cough?"

Keke means to break up.

She was curious, didn't Enen tell her that the two had broken up a few days ago, why did Enen entrust Chi Baobao and Nuonuo to Li Beijue to take care of them in the blink of an eye?

You must know what Chi Baobao and Nuonuo mean to Enen.

She suddenly seemed to have thought of something, and said, "Could it be...you are the one Mr. Li said he wanted to marry Young Master Li?"

Before she went out this morning, Shanny told her that Young Master Li seemed to be getting married.

At that time, she thought it was a gossip from somewhere, or a news made up by the media to attract attention, but she didn't take it to heart.

As a result, Shannifei told her anxiously that the news was released by Mr. Li.

She didn't take it too seriously at the time, she just thought that Mr. Li released the news because he didn't like En En and wanted to arrange for Young Master Li to marry him while En En and Young Master Li were arguing.

She wasn't too worried that Young Master Li would get married, after all, she watched the two go through ups and downs. She didn't think Li Beijue was the kind of man who would marry immediately after breaking up. Most importantly, Li Beijue was very persistent towards Enen. That kind of attachment is not the so-called liking in the upper class circles, but the real liking! So she is very optimistic about the two of them, and always feels that even if they break up now, they will get back together sooner or later.

It's just that Chi Enen didn't expect that Chi Enen would skip this step and jump directly to getting married.

Moreover, he managed to get old man Li to come out and announce the news in person.

Lin Anxin was both surprised and happy, and even her dull mood during this period of time has changed a lot, she said pleasantly, "Oh my god, Enen, are you really going to marry Young Master Li?"

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