Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1857 A bold and avant-garde wedding gift

"Really." Chi Enen nodded.

This time, she is really going to marry Li Beijue.

Lin Anxin was surprised and happy, and said with a smile, "Congratulations!"

Then he immediately started planning, "I heard from Shanni that you will hold a wedding in half a month, right?"

"Probably." The specifics will depend on how the old man arranges it.

Lin Anxin held her chin with one hand and became entangled, "So soon? I have to think about what wedding gift to give you when the time comes."

"What should I give you?"

Lin Anxin suddenly looked her up and down and smiled maliciously, "Well, when you and Mr. Li are having sex, do you occasionally have a little fun?"

Chi Enen didn't quite understand her hint, "...what do you mean?"

"Just role-playing. For example, doctors and nurses, nurses and patients, managers and secretaries? Have you ever played?"

Chi Enen is an adult, how could he not understand?

Her earlobes were burning, and she was so embarrassed that she didn't know what to do, "An Xin, we are at the airport..."

In a place with so many people, she actually discussed this kind of thing carelessly and directly. Her moral integrity as a female star has really been lost.

Lin Anxin has no moral integrity at all. She cares more about gossip than the image of a female star. She leaned forward and asked with a wink, "Have you ever played with it? Your ears are so red, haven't you ever played with it? No way. ?”

Chi Enen knew that Lin Anxin would not let her go today if she didn't tell him. Rather than keep being questioned, she might as well confess first, "...No."

"I'll go! How can Young Master Li be so innocent?" Lin Anxin looked completely surprised and murmured in disbelief, "I can't tell, I can't tell at all."

Chi Enen, "..." She wanted to cover the mouth of the person who spoke so freely.

After Lin Anxin sighed, he said in a lewd way, "Okay, I thought about what wedding gift I want to give you. I guarantee that Young Master Li will like it very much."

"You don't want to give that as a gift, do you? No." Chi Enen refused with strength.

Lin Anxin didn't care about her rejection at all, and blinked happily, "Don't worry, this is not for you, but for Young Master Li. I will choose a new gift for you."


Chi Enen couldn't imagine Li Beijue's reaction when he received the wedding gift from Lin Anxin. It was too bold and avant-garde to give something like that as a wedding gift. Just when she was about to refuse again, Lin Anxin seemed to see what she was thinking. He immediately changed the topic, "By the way, eh, how long do you want to have dinner with tomorrow? What is Ms. Prada's personality? My big agent told me that if I can't get the endorsement this time, she will kill me and strangle me to death. never mind."

Because she made her own statement on Weibo this time, although the agency did not dare to cause trouble for her, they did dare to cause trouble for Shanni.

Shanni had been scolded for several days in a row because of her incident. Recently, her aunt came to see her again, and she was very angry. Before she went out, she gave her an ultimatum and told her that if she couldn't handle this endorsement, she would die together.

She also knew how big of a trap she was setting up for Shanni this time, and if she could get the endorsement deal, she wanted to get it too.

"Personality?" Chi Enen thought for a moment and said, "Ms. Prada's personality is more rigorous and has higher requirements for details. In addition, I met her once and I think Prada's personality is relatively easy to get along with."

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