Who is Lin Anxin!

Is her relationship with Lin Anxin more important than her cousin?

Lin Anxin is just an outsider!

Outsiders, irrelevant people!

She is her relative!

Linnai gritted his teeth, his beautiful face almost twisted with jealousy.

It's a pity that no one noticed her. Even if she went crazy on the red carpet, no reporter would waste film to take a picture of her.

Compared to her, the gossip surrounding Lin Anxin is obviously more commercially valuable.

"Ms. Lin, look here!"

"Ms. Lin, are you really just contracting with Lu Zhiang to hype up your relationship? But at the concert, Lu Zhiang said that his new song was written for you. Is that song "all of me" really written for you? ?”

This question is a trap. If it is not true, it is equivalent to admitting that love is not a contractual hype. After all, the lyrics of that song are too obvious about expressing love.

"Ms. Lin, there are rumors that you broke up with your own boyfriend and received a large breakup fee. After your new relationship came out, your ex-boyfriend was unhappy and asked you to break up, so you Is it true to make a statement like that?”

"Ms. Lin, is the boyfriend you mentioned in your statement Mr. Si?"

"Since you disclosed your relationship with Mr. Si on Instagram, it has been circulated on the Internet that Mr. Si's family disagrees with you. Did you choose to keep the relationship low-key because your family disagreed? After that, there were scandals about Mr. Si one after another. You were publicly confessed by Lu Zhiang at the concert, was there a reason for revenge?"

"Ms. Lin, is it true that Mr. Si's family disapproves of you, as the outside world says?"

As long as a female star is associated with a wealthy family, the gossip and scandals will definitely be exciting.

If you write it down, people who gossip will also like to read it.

So for the sake of clicks, they have to seize this opportunity and ask questions carefully.

Lin Anxin was almost under siege from the moment she stepped on the red carpet. She remained silent from beginning to end, but Chi Enen could see that she could hardly bear it anymore.

We cannot allow An Xin to be provoked by reporters and respond at this time!

The reporters also followed the fishy cat and kept asking, "Ms. Lin, what's going on with you and Mr. Si now? Where are you and Lu Zhiang? Is it a contract love, or is it forced to break up? Can you answer us?"

Chi Enen suddenly stood up, blocking most of the spotlight. His fair face was gentle and distant. He glanced coldly at the reporter who asked the question and said, "No."

Can you answer us?


Strong and direct enough!

This merciless way of rejection is exactly the same as Li Beijue's.

The reporter was stunned for a moment. Chi Enen looked away from him, glanced at the others, and said forcefully, "If you want to take pictures, it's okay. I understand everyone's work..."

She paused and then said, "But! We are here today to watch Panda's annual show. But for anything that has nothing to do with the annual show, I'm sorry, we won't answer. Also, Miss Lin is my friend, I hope we can respect each other."

Her meaning was very clear, if you wanted to take photos, she would not be polite to anyone who wanted to speak harshly.

Chi Enen's attitude was too tough, so tough that she explicitly threatened reporters. She would disrespect anyone who tried to embarrass Lin Anxin again. Some reporters recognized her and started whispering, but no one dared to pursue Lin Anxin and ask questions mercilessly.

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