Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1862 Lin Anxin is so angry that he will not pay for his life

"Let's go in, An Xin." Chi Enen shocked the reporters and pulled Lin An En into the venue.

Panda’s annual show is related to the new designs to be released next year and is the most important event for a brand in the year.

Chi Enen handed the invitation letter to the staff at the door, and the staff immediately let them in after checking it. The theme of this year's panda show is Flowers Through the Looking Glass. The entire venue is gorgeously decorated, and every part is beautiful.

As the brand director of Prada, she certainly did not have time to greet the guests before the show. The staff led Chi Enen to the seat arranged by Prada in advance and said, "Miss Chi, these two are your seats. Please wait a moment. The big show starts soon.”

"OK, thanks."

Chi Enen led Lin Anxin to sit down.

Not long after she sat down, she saw the lady she met at the Ryukyu banquet being led by the staff to sit next to them.

When the lady saw her, her eyes lit up and she greeted her warmly, "Miss Chi."

Then she noticed Lin Anxin sitting next to Chi Enen and took a look first. He asked with a smile, "Is this the friend you mentioned last time? I watched your movie, "The Assassin", and your performance was great."

Chi Enen didn't expect that Prada would arrange for her to sit next to Lin Anxin. While feeling grateful, she immediately introduced the two of them to each other.

Lin Anxin was a carefree person, while the lady was a well-rounded person. In addition, she would find topics to talk about from time to time. In less than ten minutes, the two of them had gradually become familiar with each other.

"By the way, Miss Lin, Miss Chi said that you have won many awards. Fortunately, my husband recently invested in a movie. Our idea is to use first-class actors. I think you are very suitable for one of our roles. I don't know. Are you free recently..."

Before she could finish her words, an inappropriate voice broke in, "Well, I finally found you."

This voice is...

Chi Enen frowned.

Lin Nai walked quickly from behind them, with a false smile of surprise on her face, and said to Lin Anxin, "Ah, Sister Anxin is here too. What a coincidence."

Lin Anxin didn't like someone and would never hide herself. She said very rudely, "Didn't you see it when we were on the red carpet? Only now you realize that I am here. Do you have an eye problem or a reflex arc that is too high?" Long? If there is something wrong with your eyes, you should go to the hospital for a checkup as soon as possible. Otherwise, you will go blind at a young age, which is so pitiful."

Lin Nai was robbed by her, and her disguise was exposed. Her face turned blue and white, but it was difficult to show off in front of the lady. I could only twitch the corners of my mouth with a smile on my face, and find my way down the steps, "Sister An An, you misunderstood. I didn't notice you guys coming on the red carpet just now."

Before she could finish her words, Lin Anxin yelled at her angrily, "Oh, it turns out there's something wrong with my ears. It's just a two-hundred-meter-long red carpet, and you can't even hear hundreds of media shouting so loudly. Your ears are basically useless, right?"

Lin Nai was blocked. The ladder he finally found for himself was kicked by Lin Anxin, and his face suddenly turned red and purple. She clenched her fists, secretly hating Chi Enen for not speaking for her, and forced out a smile. As if she hadn't heard Lin Anxin's sarcastic words, she squeezed her buttocks and sat next to Chi Enen, "Well, it's been a long time." No see, how are you lately?"

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