Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1868 Si Chen was really in a car accident

"Si Chen was in a car accident?" Lin Anxin's first reaction was to stand up and hit his head on the roof of the car.

Under the severe pain, she calmed down a little, and frowned in disbelief, "Isn't he in country W? How could he be in Lin City? Also, he was fine, how could he have a car accident? Why didn't you use his mobile phone? Call me?"

She asked several questions in quick succession.

She seemed calm, but in fact Chi Enen saw her hand clenching her phone involuntarily, and her eyes staring straight out of the car with an anxious expression.

what's the situation?

Si Chen had a car accident?

Did he really get into a car accident, or did he use the car accident to deceive others like Li Beijue?

"Ms. Lin, please believe me. I am really Mr. Si's secretary. Mr. Si's cell phone was broken in the car accident. I also got Miss Lin's phone number through the special assistant. Mr. Si also just got it today. After arriving at Lin City, after getting off the plane, Mr. Si was in a hurry for something, and he got into a car accident on Airport Road." The man's voice was anxious, and he said quickly, "Mr. Si was seriously injured, but he refused to enter. Operating room, Miss Lin, please come here quickly. Otherwise, Mr. Si may not be able to hold on just by continuing to let the blood flow like this."


The phone broke...

Lin Anxin bit her lower lip so hard that it almost bled.

The person on the other end of the phone continued anxiously, "Ms. Lin, believe me, I really didn't lie to you. Mr. Si really had a car accident and is in the hospital. Please, please come to the hospital, please."

Lin Anxin could already taste the fishy-sweet taste. In a split second, she made a decision. She turned to Chi Enen and said, "Well, let the driver turn around and take me to the hospital."

"Okay." Chi Enen didn't ask her anything at all, and immediately ordered Huo Yi, "Housekeeper Huo, turn around."

Lin Anxin held her phone tightly and asked, "Which hospital? Specific address."

"Lin City Military Region Hospital, address XXXX." The person on the other end quickly reported the address.

Lin Anxin copied his words and repeated them to Huo Yi who was driving in front.

"I am coming over now."

After saying that, she hung up the phone.

Fifteen minutes later, the car drove to Lin City Military Region Hospital. Lin Anxin got out of the car first and walked quickly to the operating room with Chi Enen.

There are many people in the hospital, and the corridors are bustling with patients and medical staff.

When he was almost in front of the emergency operating room, for some reason, Lin Anxin always felt like his heartbeat was speeding up.

The pounding heartbeat sounded like it was about to shatter the eardrums!

Si Chen couldn't have been in a car accident. The phone call just now might have been made by someone under his command...

Although she thought so in her heart, she still couldn't control herself and ran over.

Lin Anxin didn't even know why she came here. She took a step back and said that even if Si Chen was really in a car accident, it had nothing to do with her.

They are no longer a supply and demand relationship between financial backers and female celebrities.

But my legs just won’t obey!

Soon, a man in a suit and leather tie with an anxious face came up to her, "Ms. Lin, here. Mr. Si is inside."

Lin Anxin's heart skipped a beat, and her heart slowly sank.

The idea that she had been firm about just now suddenly became shaken at this moment.

Could it be that Si Chen... really had a car accident?

She quietly clenched her fists at her side and followed the man into the operating room——

The white light in the operating room was extremely dazzling. There were more than a dozen medical staff in surgical uniforms standing inside, and they were busy in a mess.

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