Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1869 Lin Anxin, I can give it to you

"So, is the patient still resisting treatment?"

"No, the patient is still not allowed to be approached."

"Then what should we do? We can't let the blood from the wound continue to flow. How about using an anesthetic?"

"There are no family members present, and the patient is still conscious. The patient does not agree, so we have no way to perform anesthesia."

Lin Anxin's mind went blank and she subconsciously looked towards the crowd.

I saw a man covered in blood lying quietly on the hospital bed. The bright red blood stains on his body formed a sharp contrast with the white sheets of the hospital, which was shocking to everyone.

It’s Si Chen!

He was wearing an elegant suit that he always liked. There were dark red blood stains on the suit. There was a scratch on his handsome chin. His eyes were closed and his face was pale...

This was the first time Lin Anxin saw this man looking so embarrassed. She clenched her fists so hard that she didn't even notice that her nails dug into her flesh.

Chi Enen also didn't expect that Si Chen really had a car accident and it was so serious.

He glanced at her subconsciously, then stretched out his hand and patted her shoulder silently.

The secretary-looking person who led them in before quickly walked to the hospital bed, bent down and whispered to the man who had his eyes closed and seemed to be in a coma, "General Secretary, General Secretary, Miss Lin is here."

The man who had kept his eyes closed suddenly opened his eyes, and almost at the first glance, he looked in the direction of Lin Anxin.

A bright light suddenly burst out from those deep eyes, and he moved, trying to sit up despite the pain.

The medical staff nearby noticed it immediately and stopped him immediately, "Patient, please don't move around, okay? The wound on your left thigh is very deep. Moving around will speed up the blood flow."

Si Chen couldn't stop at all and struggled to remember.

Lin Anxin knew what he was going to do and walked over in three steps at a time. As if her throat was being strangled by an invisible hand, she said hoarsely, "I'm coming."

Si Chen coughed violently, curled his body to the side, and spit out a mouthful of blood. Taking a strong breath, he stretched out his hand towards her and opened his palm.

His palms were covered in blood, and the things on his palms were stained crimson with blood, and their original shapes could hardly be seen.


Lin Anxin was stunned for a moment.

Si Chen's face was as pale as transparent, and there was no trace of blood on his lips. He opened his mouth and said in a hoarse and broken voice, "Ring."

He looked at the person in front of him seriously, grabbed her hand, and tried his best to put the thing in his palm on her finger. Then he grabbed Lin Anxin's finger, raised his head and looked at her with a smile on his face, "Lin Anxin, I can give it to you."

——Lin Anxin, I can give it to you!

The ring on her ring finger still smelled of blood, and it was so hot that she almost screamed.

There was still a smile on Si Chen's lips, and his voice was as gentle as feathers flying across the lake, "Fortunately... there's still time..." There was still time to put it on her with his own hands. If it were any later, he might not be able to hold on. Fortunately, he waited until she came.

As soon as he finished speaking, his eyes were closed.

At the same time, his hand also dropped heavily.

Lin Anxin's pupils shrank to pinpoint awns, and her scream almost broke through her throat. She covered her mouth hard to prevent herself from screaming.

But his eyes were already red, and he almost desperately grabbed the hand of the nurse next to him, "Save him! Quick! Save him! Save him!"

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