Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1880 The donor said it misses you

Si Chen saw that she was not as resistant to him as before, although he didn't know what happened to cause this small change in her. But he still couldn't help being surprised. He endured the surprise and didn't show it on his face. He narrowed his eyes and said calmly, "Then I can only find an opportunity to steal your ID card and take you to the Civil Affairs Bureau."

Lin Anxin frowned and was about to speak.

Si Chen took the lead and said, "The golden retriever at home is sick and has a cold. He said he really wants you to visit him."

"When did dogs talk?" Lin Anxin tried to keep a straight face and asked him coldly.

She meant to expose his lame lies and not save him face.

Unexpectedly, the man on the hospital bed calmly held her wrist and answered without even moving his eyebrows, "The dog can call the donor, why can't he talk?"

I wipe it!

Lin Anxin was blocked.

However, Si Chen still stared into her eyes calmly and continued, "The donor said he missed you, and I heard it."

The donor said it misses you.

His voice was still hoarse after the car accident, and it was as deep as a cello string. Every word struck Lin An's heartstrings.

"It said that it missed you very much, that it was wrong, that it should not have thought that it could leave you, that it should not have agreed to be separated from you. It also said that without you at home, it could not eat, could not sleep well, and was going crazy. ”

Lin Anxin's heart skipped a beat, and she opened her mouth to retort, "That's bullshit!"

"It has so many people taking care of it, it's weird that it can't eat! I even saw it gain weight a few days ago!"

Si Chen lied without blinking, "Have you bathed it? How do you know it's fat?"

"Visual inspection! I'm not blind!"

"Oh. That's just puffiness. It's just fluffy. Just sprinkle it with water from the nozzle and it will lose weight. It doesn't want others to see that it misses you too much."

Lin Anxin once again had the urge to push him into the toilet and drain him out.

She didn't know why she was led by this man and followed him to talk about "dogs". By the time she realized it, she was already dominated by him.

She took a deep breath, clenched her fists, and this time she stopped talking nonsense to him and said simply, "Si Chen, let go!"

"I don't!"

Without saying a word, she directly reached for his hand!

Normally, she would definitely be arrogant, but now that he had just finished the operation, he actually didn't have much strength in his hands. Lin Anxin pulled his hand away with force, and immediately took a step back, out of his reach, and then said calmly, "I'll call the doctor for you."

Si Chen saw that she wanted to escape.

It took a lot of effort for her not to resist herself so much. If she were allowed to escape...

He didn't know where he got the strength to hold on to the edge of the bed and roll over to sit up. The effect of the anesthetic had not completely worn off, and his whole body was still a little weak. His arm touched the cup on the bedside, and the cup fell to the ground with a bang, shattering into pieces.

The person who had already reached the door heard the noise and turned around to see him struggling to get up.

His expression suddenly changed, and he fell back in three steps at a time. He pushed the person back onto the bed and roared, "What the hell are you doing!"

"You want to die, don't you? If you had told me if you miss, I wouldn't have wasted my blood!"

She pushed him back roughly and covered him with a quilt.

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