Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1881 She compromised and stayed

Si Chen was pushed back by her without any gentleness at all. He took the opportunity to grab her wrist, pursed his lips, and looked at her, "Lin Anxin, don't leave."

"What will happen to you if I leave?"

"Discharge." Si Chen said matter-of-factly.

Lin Anxin couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to slap him on the back of the head, but thinking that he was a patient, she held it back, gritted her teeth and said, "I won't leave! I won't be able to walk until you recover, uncle." Bar?"

After saying that, she twisted her wrist impatiently and said, "Can you let go now?"

She can't afford to offend her, so just compromise!

Sure enough, Si Chen slowly let go of his hand. His movements were slow, and he kept observing her reaction with his eyes, as if he would catch her again as soon as she had the intention to regret it.

Lin Anxin clearly saw it, but forced herself to act like she couldn't see him.

As soon as her wrist was free, she went outside and called the doctor.

The doctor went quickly, and soon the ward became noisy.

Lin Anxin walked to the door, but slowly stopped.

She was silent for a moment, gritted her teeth, and was about to turn around and leave.

Then I heard a man's voice coming from inside, "Where is she?"

"Who?" A person who didn't know whether he was a doctor or a nurse answered.

"I asked the people who called you where they were? Why didn't they come with you?"

"Miss Lin? She was behind you just now. Didn't she come in?"

There was a noise inside.

Lin Anxin was heartbroken, and just when she made up her mind not to listen, she heard the nurse exclaim, "Mr. Si, you can't get out of bed, you need to rest in bed now!"

"Mr. Si, your wound will open if you do this!"

"Step aside!"

She can't hear it!

There are so many people there, no one can die!

Never mind her business.

She did everything she could.

She was thinking silently in her heart, but her legs seemed to be nailed to the spot. She just couldn't listen to her words and walked away without caring about anything.

"Damn it!" She still couldn't ignore him!

Lin Anxin cursed lowly, raised her legs and rushed into the ward.

I saw the person getting out of bed at a glance.

"I'm here."

The person who was struggling just now saw her and stopped struggling.

Lin Anxin looked ugly. As he walked over, he said, "I have three urgent needs. I just went to the bathroom. Can you not bother me?"

"There is a bathroom in the ward." Si Chen looked at her face and said as if he had seen through it.

Lin Anxin's crude lie was exposed all of a sudden, and she said without blushing, "I can't come out looking at you, can't I?"

She was in a bad mood now, and she was extremely upset. If he wanted to hit the gun, she couldn't blame her.

The secretary also came in.

He watched her talking to Si Chen with wide eyes, and subconsciously took a peek at Si Chen's reaction.

When he saw that Mr. Si was not angry, he immediately understood Lin Anxin.

It seems that the relationship between Miss Lin and Mr. Si cannot be explained by a simple ex-girlfriend. The importance of Miss Lin can be seen from Mr. Si's reaction.

It seems that his attitude towards Miss Lin should be more enthusiastic.

Lin Anxin didn't know what he was thinking. She had already walked to the side and said to the stunned medical staff, "Check him."

"Okay... okay." The doctor responded and quickly checked Si Chen.

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