Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1911 Are you going to work the day after your wedding?

Lan Ke's face turned red instantly, and she immediately retorted, "I don't want him to like me! What's so great about him! I still don't like him!"

"That's best. I'll thank you on his behalf." Li Qiyun was as sarcastic as Lin Anxin.

Sure enough, Lan Ke's face turned blue, white, and purple, and finally his true colors were revealed. He glanced at her coldly and arrogantly, no longer pretending to be a coquettish girl, and counterattacked coldly, "I'm afraid Li Beijue doesn't need you to thank me for him. You are no longer a member of the Li family. What can you do for him to thank me? You You better take care of yourself. If I were you, I wouldn't offend my sister-in-law at this time! Why should I be arrogant after she's been mixed up like this!"

"You still think that you are the eldest lady of the Li family that everyone supports!"

Lan Ke glanced at the box on the dressing table without leaving any trace, sneered, and said to Li Qiyun, "I took the jewelry that my aunt asked me to lend you. I'll see if you use it or not. Anyway, it doesn't matter whether you use it or not. At that time, I will ask the maid to send it to the store to help me re-sterilize and clean it! Hehe, I hate using second-hand items the most. If it weren’t for this jewelry being bought for me by my dad for my birthday, I would lend it to you. I lost it a long time ago. Forget it, who asked my aunt to ask me for help? Remember to use it well and don’t break it. You can’t afford to pay!"

After saying that, she seemed to have regained her composure, glanced at Li Qiyun contemptuously, then turned and walked away.

Li Qiyun told herself not to care about a little girl's words, but Lan Ke's words were still like a knife, piercing the most hidden pain in her heart.

She stood there, clenching her fists.

Just then, the door opened again.

This time it was not Lan Ke, but a tall man who came in.

Seeing that she was still standing there, he was startled for a moment, with a look of amazement in his eyes, and said sincerely, "You look beautiful in your wedding dress."

Li Qiyun took a deep breath, regained her usual calmness, and replied distantly, "Thank you."

Aos had already walked up to her, looked directly into her eyes, and said again, "What I said is true, it's really beautiful. I'm not just praising you for being polite. This wedding dress really suits you." ,Very beautiful."

Li Qiyun thought he was going to say something, but he ended up saying this. She was not used to being too close to people, especially looking at them.

She took a step back without leaving a trace, glanced at the man with bright eyes in surprise, who was a little different from usual, and said, "I'm going to Lin City tomorrow."

The good atmosphere was like someone suddenly pouring a basin of ice water on it, and it instantly became cold.

The look of surprise and joy on Ao Si's face slowly faded away, and he looked at her with deep eyes, as if he was angry, but also asked calmly, "Oh? Why are you going to Lin City?"

She is getting married today. She is actually thinking about what she will do tomorrow. Doesn't she have any joy in getting married? He had done so much in the past few days, and she wasn't even touched at all?

"Work." Li Qiyun said simply.

The look in Ao Si's eyes was completely frozen, and the joy that originally surged in his heart because of the marriage had completely disappeared.

He was obviously angry, but he raised the corners of his mouth evilly, grabbed Li Qiyun's wrist, forced her to the wall, and said, "Tomorrow? What kind of work do you have in Lin City that requires you to get there in such a hurry? Are you getting married today?" , I’ll be working tomorrow, why don’t you spend your honeymoon with me?”

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