Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1912 Maybe she doesn’t care at all

Li Qiyun looked directly into his eyes without hesitation and asked, "Do we need a honeymoon?"

There was already a storm in Ao Si's eyes. He tightened his grip on her wrist and asked, "What do you think!"

Li Qiyun avoided his gaze first and said calmly, "I don't think it's necessary. Our marriage is a transaction. There is no honeymoon in the transaction, so there is no need to waste each other's time. "

"Deal? Terms? Li Qiyun, do you think everything in your life is a transaction? What you want to do depends on whether this is written in the deal in your mind. If it is not written, it is invalid. You will ignore any transaction. Even if this is human nature, in your case, as long as it is not written into the terms of the contract, you can ignore it!"

Every word Oss said was filled with viciousness and vicious questioning.

Li Qiyun's expression changed, but she still maintained her cold and arrogant attitude and counterattacked calmly, "Aren't you the same person?"

The man who had been questioning her viciously just now suddenly smiled. He was actually not bad looking, although he was not as stunning as Li Beijue or Xize Lie. But the mixed-race face is still very handsome. When he smiles, he gives people a mature and reliable feeling, and also reveals an evil temperament. He lifted Li Qiyun's chin, came closer, lowered his voice, and said like a devil, "You are right, I am also such a person. That's why I must marry you, because only people of the same kind can Understand similar people, right? Similar people should live together instead of harming others."

His breath fell on her neck, and goosebumps appeared on Li Qiyun's neck. The electric feeling made her very resistant.

As if seeing her resistance, Aos deliberately leaned closer, his lips almost pressing on her earlobe and said, "I tell you, my transaction contract has a honeymoon clause. I have already arranged my itinerary for tomorrow. Let’s fly to Ryukyu for vacation. I have four days to spare. During these four days, let’s get along well, Mrs. Os!”

Mrs. Os's four words seemed like a reminder, but also a threat.

Li Qiyun clenched her fists to resist pushing him away.

Os had already taken a step away, widening the distance between the two. He took out another box and handed it to her, "For you."

"What?" Li Qiyun took it.

The size of this box is very similar to the size of the box sent by Lan Ke.

She lowered her head and opened the box.

I saw a dazzling diamond necklace and a set of dazzling gemstone earrings inside.

This is……

Li Qiyun raised his head.

Aos put his hands in his pockets, returned to his usual outward appearance, and said in a gentlemanly manner, "I came here originally wanting to give you this, but after hearing about your arrangements for tomorrow, I had to 'discuss' the honeymoon itinerary with you first. I bought this, so it belongs to you. Do you want me to put it on for you?"

He knew that his mother asked Lan Ke to send jewelry, and he also knew that Li Qiyun's real estate had been taken back by Mr. Li. Her jewelry was basically in the house Li Nantian bought for her, so he had someone prepare this. .

I originally thought of sending it over early, but unexpectedly, I let Lan Ke come first.

However, she arranged work for the second day of the wedding, and maybe she didn't care whether the jewelry she wore for the once-in-a-lifetime wedding was her own or borrowed from others.

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