She never looked forward to this wedding!

After Aos realized this, his eyes darkened and the corners of his mouth raised. Without waiting for Li Qiyun's reply, he immediately said, "You don't need me to help you put it on. The wedding is about to start. As a bride, you should at least advance it." Be there in half an hour to greet the guests. I'll wait for you outside."

After saying that, he walked out with his long legs.

Li Qiyun clenched the box in her hand, slowly took out the diamond necklace inside, and put it on her neck.

She looked at herself in the wedding dress in the mirror, and was slightly lost in thought for a while. Then she gathered her emotions and went out.

Their wedding this time was just like Lan Ke said, only relatives and friends of the Os family attended.

No press, no red carpet, no star-studded event.

It's so low-key that it's ridiculous.

But she didn't know whether it was because of face issues or other reasons. Although the wedding was very low-key, it was still held at the seaside as she had imagined before.

There were two neat rows of chairs on the beach, and the priest stood at the front, solemnly.

The chairs on both sides were full of people, whispering to each other. It wasn't until the wedding march started playing that the people who were chatting and laughing quieted down and looked towards her.

Under normal circumstances, the bride should hold her father's hand and walk in front of the groom, and the father should hand over his daughter to him.

Because Li Qiyun and the Li family had fallen out, no one played the role of father.

Under everyone's gaze, she walked step by step, steadily stepping on the music, towards the man in front of her...

She is getting married...

I'm really getting married...

She officially got married to someone she didn't like...

Li Qiyun looked dazed.

She had long thought that one day, she would choose a suitable man that she didn't like but spent the rest of her life treating him like a guest. But when this moment really happened, she still wanted to escape.

She wanted to throw away the bouquet in her hand willfully, and boldly said that she would not marry again!

However, even though her feet weighed a thousand kilograms, she still walked forward mechanically.

It was impossible for her not to get married. Even if she didn't care about the threat from Os, she still needed the identity of Mrs. Os. With this identity, it will be much easier for her to handle many things.

Li Qiyun, you have taken 99 steps, and there is only one step left. Do you want to give up? So what are the 99 steps you took before? !

She clenched the bouquet in her hand, her beautiful eyes gradually becoming firmer.

She suppressed the urge to escape at that moment in her heart, slowly walked towards the man at the front, and stretched out her hand——

She wants this identity, and with this identity, she can accomplish what she wants to do!

No matter what, she has to finish what she has to do!



A black Land Rover was parked quietly outside the hotel. The Land Rover was parked in the corner and was inconspicuous.

After a while, a man dressed like a hotel employee ran towards the car and knocked on the window twice.

The window rolled down from the side, and the staff whispered a few words to the driver. The driver nodded from time to time, then asked him to wait, rolled up the window again, and said to the man in the back seat, "Vice President, the hotel staff just came and said that the eldest lady's wedding has already started."

After he finished speaking, he held his breath and carefully observed the reaction of the man in the back seat of the car.

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