Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1914 When did you remember it?

A look of obvious disappointment flashed across the face of the man with a rough but masculine face. He gave him a cold greeting, then handed a box to him and ordered, "Give it to that person, and ask that person to pass it to Li Qiyun." .”

"Yes, Vice President." The driver took the box.

Just as she was about to open the car window, she heard the person behind her continue, "Tell her that this is a wedding gift from her mother. This is the last time."

"Yes, Vice President."

The driver rolled down the window and passed all the things and words to the hotel staff. After warning him not to think too much, he watched the staff go away.

Then he turned around and asked, "Vice President, we are now..."

Li Nantian was silent for a moment and then said, "Let's go back!"

What Li Qiyun did this time was too extreme. No matter how much he doted on her, he would not be able to attend her wedding.

The reason why he came was to do one last thing for her mother who passed away. After doing it, he would no longer feel guilty.

If her mother was still in this world and knew what she did, she would also understand his decision.

The Li family no longer owes her anything.

Even if he owed her mother his life before, the old man still paid it back.

As for other feelings, they had been completely wiped out when she almost destroyed the Li family chaebol.

"Let's go." Li Nantian's eyebrows showed tiredness.

After all, Li Qiyun is also the daughter he has raised for more than 20 years. Although he knows that she is not his biological daughter, he has educated her as his biological daughter for so many years. It would be false to say that there is no emotion at all. But last time Li Qiyun really went too far and completely broke his heart.

A daughter who poisoned her father, a daughter who was willing to sacrifice her family for her own purposes.

He would rather not have asked the old man to take her in.

"Yes, Vice President." The driver also knew about the internal conflicts in the Li family. No one knew about Miss Qi Yun's trouble in convening a shareholders' meeting. He pretended that he didn't notice anything, turned the steering wheel, and drove away quietly. .


Li Qiyun's wedding was held quietly.

Except for some people in country W who knew about it, it was almost never announced to the outside world.

Compared with the previous high-profile engagement, it seemed much shabby. Even so, many people still think Li Qiyun's fortune telling is good enough.

The front foot was just expelled by the Li family, and the back foot married into the Aos family.

But even so, many people laughed at Li Qiyun's shabby and almost silent wedding, and at the same time speculated on how difficult her life in the Os family would be in the future.

After all, everyone knows that Mrs. Aos is extremely dissatisfied with this daughter-in-law, and she expresses disgust in her words.

Chi Enen had no idea about Li Qiyun's marriage.

She was taken by Li Beijue to a small store where they had gone to buy clothes, and then taken to a cemetery to confess her love. Now she is still immersed in the surprise that Li Beijue remembered.

In addition, she didn't pay special attention to Li Qiyun's news in the first place, so she wouldn't even know about Li Qiyun's marriage.

On the way back, she was still thinking about everything that had happened in the cemetery.

Li Beijue remembered everything...

I really remember it completely...

After she calmed down a little, she remembered to ask the driver, "Li Beijue, when did you remember it?"

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