Chi Enen's heart skipped a beat, and she had guessed who it was.

She didn't show it on her face, but asked, "Who is it?"

The policewoman seemed to have smelled the smell of blood, her eyes lit up again, and her tone became a little tougher unconsciously, "It's the deputy director of the quality inspection department of your company. He didn't come to work today. Miss Chi, don't you know?"

"I should know?"

"You are the representative of the company. Shouldn't you know about this kind of thing?" The policewoman asked back.

Chi Enen said calmly, "You said I am the representative of the company. The company is so big, with more than 200 employees. As a representative, do I have to know everyone, who came to work and who didn't come to work?"

"But that's not an ordinary employee!" The policewoman was not convinced.

Chi Enen looked at her with bright eyes and said, "It's an ordinary employee, but not a big employee! And I just came back from W country. Today is my first day in the company. Except for the secretary and assistant, I don't have time to care whether other people come to the company or not."

She also knew that Chi Enen had just flown from W country to Lin City.

Chi Enen's words were well-reasoned, and she was speechless.

But she was unwilling to let Chi Enen clear her suspicion, and continued, "But Miss Chi, don't you think everything is too coincidental? You just came back today, and the deputy director of your quality inspection department bought a plane ticket and prepared to fly abroad. The timing is so good that it's hard not to think too much."

"I also want to know why he bought a plane ticket to fly abroad." Chi Enen said calmly, "I want to know more about this than the police."

She has figured out what the female police officer wants to ask her.

Such a big accident happened in the city center, but the deputy director of their quality inspection department has to fly abroad, which only shows one thing, that the materials they use may have problems!

Once it is involved that the materials have problems and caused the accident, if she is involved in it, like this major accident, it has caused serious consequences, she may be held criminally responsible.

So whether she is involved in it has become the most critical point.

The female police officer didn't expect her to be so tough. She didn't get anything out of her after asking for a long time. Instead, she got a lot out of her. She even got the upper hand and apologized to her.

She looked anxious, eager to pry open Chi Enen's mouth and get what she wanted. But facing that calm face, she didn't know where to start.

Just when the two were in a stalemate.

There was a sound of "bang!", and the door of the interrogation room was kicked open from the outside!

The female police officer was stunned.

The handsome man with a dark face, like a demon from hell, walked in front of her like a whirlwind, grabbed the wrist of the little woman sitting opposite her, just like a falcon grabbing a weak chicken, and lifted her up, growling, "Are you a fool, woman! They asked you to come and you came! Such a big thing happened, you don't know to call me?!"

Chi Enen was originally quite calm, but he was so strong and dragged, and her rational image was ruined. Facing the furious man, she could only bite her lower lip helplessly and said, "The situation was urgent at the time, and I didn't think of calling you."

"You didn't think of calling me, but you thought of sending someone to the hospital to comfort the families of the injured?" Li Beijue didn't accept this reason, and tightened his grip on her wrist, his eagle eyes looking as if he wanted to eat her up!

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