Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1935 The female police officer came up and slapped her in the face

damn it!

Is she a woman! Do you know how to write the word "dependence"?

When something happens to a woman, wouldn't her first reaction be to call her man for help? She thought she was a female warrior wearing underwear. When the police came to her, she just followed them.

Where did she think the police station was?

Although it is the 21st century now, what if someone tortures her to extract a confession?

Li Beijue's breathing became heavier and he grabbed her hand harder.

"Are you an idiot?" This roar made Chi Enen's ears numb.

Chi Enen struggled depressedly, but did not break away from his hand. He said helplessly, "Of course not, I just think it's okay and I want to tell you later."

"It's nothing, what does it mean? You entered the police station and you said it was nothing, but you have to be tied to a cross and shot to death?!"


Is the punishment for being tied to a cross or burning to death?

Everyone wants to shoot someone, but they go to such great lengths to tie them to a cross.

Chi Enen really admires herself for being able to think about these things now. But with his interruption, her depressed mood got much better.

She used her other hand to pull the man's wrist, looked into his eyes and said, "No, isn't the matter not that serious?"

"You mean you won't remember to call me until the matter is serious enough that I need to collect the body for you?" Li Beijue was very dissatisfied with her for not calling him as soon as possible, and he has always been resentful.

Chi Enen was blocked and had a splitting headache.

Fortunately, the female police officer who had been ignored at the side reacted, frowned and asked her, "Miss Chi, is he...?"

"My boyfriend."

She said the word boyfriend very naturally.

As soon as these three words came out, the air in the room became calmer.

Although the tall and handsome man still had a dark face, his sharp jaw was not as strong as before. He was just holding her hand.

After the policewoman said oh, she said righteously, "Can you please let your boyfriend go out first? Our interrogation is not over yet."

"I can't let him out. How about...you let him out?" Chi Enen looked at her and said.

She was telling the truth. Now that Li Beijue knew about it and came to find him, she definitely couldn't let him out.

If the policewoman can do something about it, she wouldn't mind staying here.

The policewoman didn't know what she meant. She frowned, walked up to Li Beijue, and said as calmly as possible, "Um... Sir, Miss Chi and I still have something to talk about. Could you please go out first?"

"Get out!" One word, crisp and clear!

The policewoman had already suffered a setback at Chi Enen's place, and she hit another snag with him. Her face suddenly turned ugly, turning green and white. She tightened the corners of her mouth, and her attitude became cold, and she said, "I'm sorry. , this is the police station! Miss Chi and I still have something to talk about, please get out!"

Not every woman is called Chi Enen, there is only one Chi Enen in the world!

Therefore, Li Beijue would only give face to one person. As for other women...since she was ignorant, he had no interest in giving face. The dark eagle eyes narrowed and landed on the female police officer. She stretched out her hand and said, "Bring it here."

The female police officer was stunned by his actions and asked a stupid question, "What?"

Li Beijue glanced at her impatiently and touched his thin lips, "Didn't you say you wanted to talk to her? Where is the ID?"

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