Chi Enen had no idea about the dispute that happened in the hotel on Ryukyu Island.

After confronting all the reporters, she turned around, took the hand of the man behind her, and led him away in front of everyone.

She walked openly and openly, nothing like what others thought. Today I will run away in despair like a mouse on the street being besieged.

On the contrary, after she expressed her attitude forcefully, those in the crowd who had been throwing eggs rhythmically turned pale with fright and were at a loss.

Chi Enen walked very fast and steadily.

She firmly grasped the man's strong wrist and walked through the crowd expressionlessly.

Under her strong aura, the crowd automatically gave way. Just like that, she held the arrogant man's hand, passed through the crowd, and walked away surrounded by a crowd of spotlights and reporters——

Lin Anxin took them to the parking lot, then he breathed a sigh of relief, relaxed his shoulders, punched Chi Enen on the shoulder, smiled and said, "Emma, ​​it's okay. What did you just say?" That aura makes me feel like I'm filming a movie."

It feels so good to not be the protagonist for the first time!

The point is, she saw her best friend grow!

Enen has really grown a lot compared to before. If it were Enen before, he would have been at a loss when facing this kind of situation. But just now, she really shocked the audience. The domineering way he protects his shortcomings can be said to be exactly the same as when Mr. Li protected his shortcomings.

Strong enough!

Quite rough!

Without saying a word, the female reporter who directly criticized her turned purple.

Lin Anxin stole a glance at the handsome man beside him, stopped staying here and said, "I'm going back to the hospital first. You guys should go back first, take a shower and change clothes."

"If you need anything, please call me. I'm on call 24 hours a day."

"An Xin, thank you for today." The reason why she was so courageous just now was that those people really stepped on her bottom line, and the second was because Li Beijue and Lin An Xin were by her side, and she knew that she was not alone. Unlike when she confronted Chi Ya and Chi Jianguo, she was no longer alone.

Thinking of Lin Anxin's angry questioning at that time, her heart felt warm.

Lin Anxin waved his hand handsomely and said carelessly, "It's okay, what's the big deal. Okay, I'll leave first, lest some people have to beat the table and look for benches again."

She was clearly talking about Si Chen.

Chi Enen imagined Xiasi Shen patting the table and looking for a bench. She didn't know why she felt very happy. She suppressed her laughter and waved to her.

Lin Anxin turned and left.

Wait until she disappears.

The smile in Chi Enen's eyes subsided, she bit her lower lip, looked at the embarrassed man beside her, and held back the anger that was about to well up in her chest.

He turned around, opened the car door, and said simply, "Get in the car."

The person who has always had a bad temper was extremely cooperative this time, and actually got on the bus without even saying a word.

Chi Enen consciously sat in the driver's seat, inserted the key, and stepped on the accelerator.

The car immediately drove towards the city center like an arrow.

With Li Beijue's current situation, he definitely wouldn't be able to go home. Otherwise, when Chi Baobao saw him like this, the previous network cable would have been cut in vain.

If nothing special happened, who could have smashed Mr. Li's body with eggs and tomatoes?

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