Chi Baobao just thinks with her toes and will immediately find a way to go online to find out what happened.

Chi Enen took a deep breath to calm down, stepped on the accelerator, held the steering wheel and drove the car to a nearby hotel.

Li Beijue's situation was so bad, even though this man was in such an embarrassing situation, he still shined too brightly!

However, Chi Enen's heart still felt as if someone was pinching it, feeling indescribably low and uncomfortable.

She quickly opened a room at the front desk, took the room card, returned to the door, and said to the man who was particularly generous, "Li Beijue, come up with me."

Li Beijue was really generous today and actually followed her into the elevator.

Because he just took a shower and changed clothes, Chi Enen stayed in an ordinary room. It's on the 6th floor, and the room number looks particularly good, 606.

She took the room card, found room 606, swiped the card and opened the door to the room.

This hotel is a standard four-star hotel. Although it is not as luxurious as a five-star hotel, the decoration and rooms are similar in every aspect.

Although Chi Enen only has an ordinary room, it looks pretty good.

The bathroom is also that big.

The only bad thing is that the bathroom is made of transparent glass. Although she knows that the glass cannot see inside, she always feels unsafe bathing in transparent glass, just like people outside can see inside.

Chi Enen put the room card on the table, picked up the instant coffee in the room and said, "Li Beijue, you go take a shower first. I'll call right away and have someone send you a set of clothes."

As she spoke, she turned on the water dispenser and boiled hot water, preparing to make coffee for him.

She imagined it was good.

However, the person who had been cooperating suddenly stopped cooperating. He did not listen to her and went into the bathroom to take a shower. Instead, he walked directly in front of her, approached her, lowered his head and asked, "Are you angry?"

There is a natural gap between their heights. Compared with his height, Chi Enen looks much smaller. The top of his head just reaches his chest. With him so close, Chi Enen has no way to retreat. His whole body is just short of It was attached to the water dispenser, and his breath was full of his scent.

The kind of egg sandwiched with tomatoes, with the smell of mint and dragon sandalwood.

Surprisingly not unpleasant.

It's just a little weird mixed together.

Chi Enen put her hand on his chest, turned her head away, and without looking into his eyes, she denied angrily, "No."

Li Beijue grabbed her wrist and said reluctantly, "No, then why did you ignore me from just now?"

Chi Enen took a deep breath and categorically denied, "I didn't."

"You didn't ignore me, you just didn't talk to me, right?" Li Beijue narrowed his eagle eyes, which were extremely sharp.

Chi Enen was still very eloquent when facing the female reporter, but when facing him, she couldn't find anything to say in defense.

She opened her mouth, but finally gave in to his questioning, raised her head and admitted. The undisguised anger in his eyes said, "Why didn't you let me go just now?"

Li Beijue thought she was angry about something along the way, but it turned out she was angry about this. He glared at her indifferently and said, "I let you go and let you have eggs thrown at you in front of me? If I really let my woman get eggs thrown at me in front of me, you might as well You can only give me a shot with a gun!"

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