Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1963 Then his brain must be smaller than the eye of a needle

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"What are you thinking about?" Li Beijue didn't feel the ambiguity. He narrowed his eagle eyes in enjoyment and deliberately kept this posture without moving, and asked her.

"No, I didn't think about anything."

There was no way she could tell him that she suspected that Li Qiyun was responsible for the accident.

Not to mention that she didn't have any evidence now, but just had pure suspicion. Even if she found the evidence later, if it was really Li Qiyun who did it, she still wouldn't know how to face Li Beijue.

"You didn't think about it, you didn't know that I came out?" The leisurely man was really like a lazy lion, condescendingly exposing her lame lies, "Tell me, what are you thinking about? Did you think of something? ?”

Chi Enen decided not to say anything!

"No, Chi Baobao called me just now and asked me why I haven't gone back yet, and asked me if you were with me. I was nervous at the time and said that you were not with me and that you might have gone to the hospital to see Si Chen. I was afraid that he would be suspicious, so I kept thinking about how we would go back later? Should we go back in tandem. You go back first, and I will go back later."

"I went to the hospital to see Si Chen. I can also go to you after watching it and go home together!" What she said was 70% true and 30% false. As expected, Li Beijue believed her and said it indifferently.

Chi Enen secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Yes, why didn't I think of it just now?"

Li Beijue narrowed his eyes and glanced at her condescendingly. From this angle, this woman's eyelashes were really soft and long, and the upturned arc was more perfect than a parabola. He let go of his hand in a good mood and said casually, "Because snails have small brains, which is normal."

Because snails have small brains...

Chi Enen was originally made uncomfortable by his stare, but when he said such a shocking word, all the charming atmosphere around him suddenly disappeared.

She wished she could fiddle with the pillow at the head of the bed and give him a pillow. She said, "Who said a snail's brain is small? In terms of proportion, a snail's brain is not small."

"The shell on its back is so big, how big can its brain be?" Li Beijue had already let go of her, stood up, took a brand new towel from the side, threw it to Chi Enen and said, "Help me wipe my hair. .”

Chi Enen forced a towel into his hands and said depressedly, "Come here, you are standing so tall, how can I help you wipe it off?"

Li Beijue came over to show his dignity and sat on the bed.

Chi Enen put on her slippers, stood up, found a hair dryer and plugged it in. After drying the excess water on his hair with a towel, he said while wiping it, "A snail's shell is equivalent to a human house. According to you, doesn't it mean that people with bigger houses have smaller brains?" "

He has so many properties around the world, how small his brain must be?

The eye of a needle is probably bigger than his brain.

Li Beijue was dissatisfied with her always talking back and was about to frown and ask her if she had taken explosives. Chi Enen had already turned on the hair dryer and started blowing his hair while running her fingers through it.

The hair dryer buzzed, and the warm wind blew on his hair. The dissatisfaction in Li Beijue's heart was gradually blown away by the wind.

In fact, this woman is still very cute as long as she doesn't contradict him.

Forget it, good men don’t fight with women.

He narrowed his eyes and enjoyed Chi Enen's service.

Chi Enen wished that he would calm down and helped him blow dry his hair more seriously...

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