Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1964 This man’s hair is really good

Li Beijue's hair is relatively hard, but his hair is not that thick and hard type. In addition, the gloss is very good, so the overall look is dark and shiny. The overall hair quality is good.

While Chi Enen was helping him blow dry his hair, he enviously compared his hair with her own.

Not even better, really compared to her, her hair is not much worse.

Compared with Li Beijue's enviable hair quality, her hair looked much thinner and softer. At the same time, the color at the end of her hair was too light, like dark brown, and she looked a little malnourished.

Compared with Li Beijue's thick hair, although she has more hair, it is not as thick and black as his.

Chi Enen didn't want to continue the comparison. If the comparison continued, she was afraid she would become even more envious.

She ran her fingers through his enviable hair, holding the hair dryer as far away as possible to avoid burning him with the heat.

Li Beijue's hair was not long, and his short, fine hair was dried in just a few or two strokes.

Chi Enen was a slow blower, but within ten minutes she was able to blow him dry. She turned off the hair dryer and said, "Okay, it's done. I'm going to take a shower too."

The flour on her hair cannot be wiped clean. If she goes back at night without taking a shower, Chi Baobao will definitely find out.

She also smelled like eggs and had to be washed off to avoid being discovered.

Chi Enen unplugged the hair dryer and prepared to take a shower.

As soon as he bent down, his wrist was grabbed and pulled into a hard chest.


They groaned at the same time.

Chi Enen was hit, and Li Beijue was in pain!

Because when she was pulled over, she reflexively blocked the hair dryer in front of her. He pulled hard, and the nephrite Wenxiang didn't rush into his arms first, but the damn hairdryer hit him first.

His handsome face darkened, and he snatched the hairdryer from her hand. Before Chi Enen could react, he leaned over and pressed his soft, mint-flavored lips down.

Tossing and turning.

Chi Enen was kissed until the air in her lungs was almost squeezed out. Only then did he end the kiss, let go of her with mercy and said, "Okay, let's go."

Chi Enen took a few deep breaths before she regained her composure. She hurriedly ran away and entered the bathroom, "I'm going to take a shower."

By the way, I locked the bathroom door.

When Li Beijue heard the sound of the door being locked, his handsome face almost turned dark again.

However, there was still a sweet taste on his thin lips. He reached out and touched his lips, and his mood improved again.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

He got up and walked over and opened the door. What he saw was Chi Enen's assistant, whom he had met several times before. He was holding something and looking at him with sweat on his face, "Li, Mr. Li... we represent...?"

Before she could finish her words, Li Beijue said simply, "I'm taking a shower."

Then he stretched out his hand and said, "Where are the clothes?"

The assistant quickly handed over the thing in his arms, and Li Beijue took it and said calmly, "Okay, your mission is completed, you can leave."

"Oh, okay, okay."

The door clicked shut.

The female assistant was embarrassed, and while walking back, she still took out her mobile phone, thought about it, and sent a text message to Chi Enen.

in the room.

The domineering man had just thrown his clothes on the bed when he heard Chi Enen's cell phone ringing. He picked it up and looked at it, and saw the assistant's message.

He glanced at it and threw the phone back again.

At this moment, suddenly, his cell phone rang too——

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