The director shuddered, his face turned bitter, and he wanted to bury his head in the ground.

He really regretted it. If he had known earlier, he should not have listened to Lisa and believed what she said. Si Chen and Lin Anxin had broken up.

What the hell is this called a breakup?

Still fucking tired of playing.

Mr. Si looks like he's tired of playing?

As a man, he saw from the perspective of a man looking at a man, and he only saw that Si Shao was serious.

This kind of truth is not something you just play around with.

But really want to get married.

The director now wishes that there was a regret medicine for sale in the world so that he could buy two pills and take them.

But there is no regret medicine in the world, and he can't buy it.

He could only keep begging for mercy, "Master Si, I was wrong, I know I was wrong. I will definitely pay attention in the future, I will definitely pay attention, and the same thing will never happen again."

"It can't happen again!" He won't let this happen a second time!

Once is enough!

The director didn't dare to answer the conversation at all, so he could only apologize with a smile, "Yes, yes, it can't happen again. It's my fault because I don't have the eyesight. Mr. Si doesn't remember the faults of others..."

"Since you don't have good eyesight, you can't make any good movies, what do you think?" Si Chen glanced at him indifferently.

The director's face froze.

What kind of future does a director who can't make movies have? You know, all the great directors with quality are directors who have made award-winning films internationally.

Directors who make TV series will never reach the same heights as directors who make movies.

Si Chen basically told him that this was all he would do in his life and he would never be able to make a movie.

Because he won't give himself any chance to make a movie!

The director not only regretted it, but after a brief dizziness, he looked at Lisa beside him angrily, as if he wanted to tear Lisa into pieces.

Lisa also hated him for pushing everything on her head just now. She was not afraid of him at all. She raised her chin and said dissatisfied, "Look what I do!"

The director opened his mouth and wanted to scold her.

After thinking about it, he realized that even if he scolded this woman to death today, it would be useless.

His face suddenly fell down. He glanced at the noble man stiffly and gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, Mr. Si is right. I also feel that I am not suitable for making movies. I'd better not make movies in the future."

Si Chen was surprised that he was so 'interesting'.

While it was unexpected, it also felt expected.

This director would cooperate with Lisa for a threat from Lisa and design Lin Anxin. He is a person with evil intentions.

Such a person, what pursuits and ambitions do you want to talk to him about?

He doesn't have the so-called pursuit of being a director at all.

Maybe in his heart, he might still be happy, but he's just lucky that he can't make a movie. That's why I agreed so readily and acted so sensible.

If he resisted fiercely, Si Chen might look at him favorably, but he gave in without resisting, and Si Chen only had disdain for him.

"That's the best thing you can think of." He glanced at Lisa standing aside again.

Lisa is now in a very embarrassed state. She no longer has the charm and high-spiritedness she once had before. She was drenched by so many buckets of ice water, and there were bruises on her forehead from the ice cubes. She looked really miserable. How miserable.

Even if her fans were here, they probably wouldn't recognize her.

Lisa shuddered at Si Chen's glance and tried to force out a smile by pulling the muscles at the corners of her mouth, but it was too cold and the muscles on her face were almost frozen and she couldn't move at all.

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