If she tried to pull it, it would just make her twitch like she had too much hyaluronic acid.

"Si, Si Shao..."

She was nervous, afraid that Si Chen would say something like banning her. After all, the director was already so miserable, and she would be even more miserable if she was blamed by the director just now.

She looked at Si Chen nervously, and subconsciously glanced at Lin Anxin, who was standing next to Si Chen wrapped in a blanket, with envy and jealousy.

They were all sponsors, but her sponsors would never help her out like this. Why!

Why is Lin Anxin so lucky!

She was jealous, but more afraid and uneasy.

She even wondered whether she should ask Lin Anxin to help her plead for mercy.

But reason still didn't let her do it.

She hated Lin Anxin for so long, and knew this woman. Lin Anxin was definitely not the type of a glutton. This woman would never plead for her just to show her kindness in front of a man. It was lucky that Lin Anxin didn't rush up and step on her twice at this time.

It was impossible to plead for her!

She thought about it but couldn't think of a way to get out of this situation, so she resigned herself to waiting for Si Chen's next words.

However, to her surprise, Si Chen just glanced at her, didn't say anything, and pulled the wrist of the person next to him and left.

He really left...

He left without paying any attention to her...

Lisa's legs softened, and she almost sat on the ground.

What did Si Shao mean by leaving so directly? Was he going to let her go, or was he too lazy to talk to her so much nonsense and was going to deal with her directly?

Lisa didn't know why, but she felt that Si Chen belonged to the latter.

He was too lazy to talk to her so much.

He had to do it directly in front of others, to kill the chicken to scare the monkey.

Let those who were ready to make a move in other circles be honest!

Otherwise, he wouldn't have come to the set in person and helped Lin Anxin in front of so many people. He even publicly admitted that Lin Anxin was still his girlfriend, and blocked the director's road to fame... Just like that, he didn't say a word to her and ignored her directly.

This kind of ignoring must be worse than the director's fate.

"Let's go, don't worry, I won't let her go easily." Si Chen walked while talking to Lin Anxin, with a cold light flashing in his eyes.

Lin Anxin didn't care about this, she cared more about other things, "Why did you come here, your injury..."

There are so many people here, does he want the headline tomorrow to be that the young master of Si Group is seriously injured?

Don't think she doesn't know, their bodyguards have been closely guarding near the VIP ward these days, just not wanting to expose his car accident.

If he is seen to be injured at this time and the news is leaked.

His mother will definitely come to her house and make trouble for her.

Lin Anxin's chest hurts when she thinks of the noble lady who is high above.

She has decided to try again with this man now, and she can't face Mrs. Si as indifferently as before.

After all, she is the man's mother.

But she and Mrs. Si are born with different temperaments.

The two of them, one is a noble lady born in a famous family, and the other is a little star like her who is used to working in the entertainment industry. The pace of life of the two is different, how can they get along? Lin Anxin had a headache. On the one hand, she held his arm inconspicuously and helped him bear most of the weight of his body, and said, "Just do it. When you are old, you will be left with sequelae. Amitabha."

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