Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2007 Come on, let’s hurt each other

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This was the first time that Si Chen was treated so kindly by her, although she was still refuting him in her words.

But compared with before when he always wanted to break up with him, he just felt that Lin Anxin's attitude towards him now was so good that it almost reached heaven.

He was almost flattered.

His eyes were obviously excited, but he didn't dare to show it on his face. He was afraid that he would act too happy and arouse the woman's vigilance, so the woman would shrink back into her shell and refuse to reach out to touch him.

He pursed his thin lips and tried to say calmly, "Isn't there still you?"

"Me?" Lin Anxin glanced at him sideways and said, "Okay. From now on, I will feed the sponsor enough dog food and tie it to your wheelchair. Then push you to the square and look at me How about dancing in the square with other old men?"

Si Chen was really flattered now, or should I say, ecstatic!

Although Lin Anxin said that he wanted to dance in the square with other old men, which made him angry, it was more than what he meant on the surface. Her words revealed that she would be with him in the future, which was even more surprising.

He looked deeply at the people around him, wanting to ask her if she understood what he meant.

But he held back, clenched his fists, and restrained himself.

He has to do it step by step, and he must do it step by step, and he must not scare her. He could no longer act carelessly like before, he had to give her a sufficient sense of security.

"Sure, as long as you're happy." The voice was extremely gentle.

Lin Anxin looked at him seriously, "Really, as long as I'm happy?"

"Yes, as long as you are happy, I will support you in whatever you want to do." Si Chen said firmly.

In such an ambiguous and warm atmosphere, Lin Anxin blinked, looked at the man's focused gaze, and said, "I want to push your head into the toilet, do you support me?"

I want to push his head into the toilet!

Si Chen almost lost his breath. She choked his chest and almost failed. But he still held back and said, "As long as you are happy, I support you!"

Lin Anxin was made uncomfortable by his focused eyes. She looked away and said in a relaxed tone, "Forget it, you support my family but not my sponsor. What if the sponsor thinks you want to snatch shit from it?" ? For the sake of the sponsor, you should stop grabbing his job. Didn’t you say that dogs can also suffer from depression? If you grab its toilet every day, it’s too troublesome for me to pay for it to see a doctor. ”

She said it so naturally that it seemed as if her golden retriever was really depressed because Si Chen buried his head in the toilet every day.

Shanni, who was following them, was originally in a heavy mood. When she heard Lin Anxin's talk, she couldn't hold it back and burst into laughter.

There was nothing she could do about it. The scene of Mr. Si and the dog fighting for the toilet was too full of sense and comedy. She couldn't control herself when she thought of that scene.

Si Chen heard Shan Ni's suppressed laughter behind him and was completely speechless.

He didn't know whether he should be angry or not, or he was almost turned into a jerk by Lin Anxin, and he almost couldn't be angry anymore.

But at this time, Chi Baobao came and stabbed him and said, "You don't have to treat the golden retriever first. Why don't you think about it, Aunt An Xin? What if your golden retriever thinks that Uncle Si Chen is going to compete with it for a job and breaks out before it gets depressed?" , bite Uncle Si Chen, why don’t Uncle Si Chen get the rabies injection first?”

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