Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2049 Are you a little fool?

Chi Enen walked towards him helplessly and reminded him, "Nono is your sister, not a little fool."

Didn't they just agree before that he would stop calling her a little fool in front of Nono in the future?

As soon as Chi Enen finished speaking, she had been sitting obediently in her seat. The little girl, who had not understood what her brother and mother were saying before, heard her name and immediately showed her eight silly teeth and smiled. He kept babbling, "Nono is my sister, not a little fool."

After she finished talking about herself, she probably felt that she was particularly handsome for saying so.

He puffed up his strong little chest towards Chi Baobao again, feeling very proud, and repeated in a milky voice, "Brother, Nono is a sister, not a little fool!"

"Today's candy..." Chi Baobao didn't take her protest into consideration and glanced at her coolly, threatening her calmly.

The little girl who had puffed up her chest proudly just now suddenly withered like a popped balloon. Reluctantly, she pursed her lips and whispered, "Nono is a little fool."

Chi Enen was so amused by her pitiful appearance that she couldn't help laughing.

Even Chi Baobao, who was trying to scare her with a straight face, almost lost control of his expression and failed.

The corners of his mouth pursed, but he held it back, turned his head and said to Chi Enen, "Let me tell you, she is a little fool."

The little girl was even more pitiful. She lowered her head and said pitifully, "Nono is...a little fool."

Chi Enen glared at the little boy who could hardly hold back his laughter. He sat next to the little girl and comforted her, "Nono, don't listen to your brother."

The little girl quickly glanced at Chi Baobao with her big black and white eyes, as if she was afraid of being caught by Chi Baobao, and immediately moved away.

He stirred the fingers of his right hand with his left hand and whispered, "You must listen to what Brother Guo says."

"Nono remember, you must listen to what Ge Guo says."

She paused, raised her face in a serious manner, and said to Chi Enen seriously, "If you don't listen to me, I will cry."

She is not very good at word order yet and stutters when speaking, but she can express herself completely.

Seeing how cute she was, Chi Enen couldn't help but stretched out his hand, pinched her tender face and said, "No, brother won't cry."

She turned her head and asked the young boy beside her, "Chi baby, you won't cry, will you?"

How could he admit that he could cry? !

Chi Baobao had a sullen face and said stiffly, "I don't know how!"

"See, my brother said he couldn't."

Nuonuo looked at her smiling face, fiddled with her fingers again, hesitated, shook her head, and insisted, "Nono is obedient. If you don't, I will cry."

She remembered that time she ran around and fell down without listening to her brother's words. When she was in the hospital, her brother cried.

I cried very sadly.

She had better listen to her brother, otherwise it would be painful for her to comfort him if he cried.

Last time, in order to coax her brother, her aunt gave her a lot of injections.

She doesn't like injections.

So be obedient.

Chi Baobao obviously knew why she insisted on being obedient. Her sullen face softened and she whispered in disgust, "You little idiot."

While urging Chi Enen, "Okay, let's watch TV. Let's talk first, woman, you have to be responsible for coaxing Nono to sleep, otherwise she will feel uncomfortable on the plane."

Children's eardrums are still very fragile, and the buzzing sound made by airplanes during flight can make children feel uneasy.

It won't be so uncomfortable when you fall asleep.

This is what he found online.

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