Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2050 Gu Qianci called after not seeing him for a long time

The plane took off on time at 11:30, flying from Lin City to Country W.

Chi Enen watched cartoons with the older one and the younger one for three hours before coaxing the younger one to sleep. After playing mobile games with the older brother for three hours, the plane finally landed at the W country airport.

Because of work matters, Li Beijue went to the company first after arriving at the airport.

Chi Enen took Chi Baobao and Nuonuo back to Country Garden.

Country Garden is still much the same as they left it.

After Chi Enen settled the two little ones, he took a bath and cleared his mind. I was just about to go back to the study to work.

Suddenly, her phone vibrated.

She picked up the mobile phone on the desk and glanced at it. It was an unfamiliar number. She picked up the phone and said easily, "Hello?"

"Well, I'm in country W. I heard that you're back too. Are you free? I want to see you."

Chi Enen hadn't heard this voice for a long time.

She thought she would never interact with the owner of this voice again, but she didn't expect to receive a call from her suddenly today.

She took the initiative to call.

She paused and looked at the time.

It's just one o'clock in the afternoon in W country.

She calculated the time for Nono to take a nap, hesitated and said, "It might not be convenient. If you have anything, you can just talk on the phone."

She and Gu Qianci have not been in contact for a long time.

Although everything in the past is in the past, it doesn't mean it never happened.

Her relationship with Gu Qianci might not even be considered friends.

So she didn't want to go out.

Chi Enen thought she had made her rejection obvious enough, but the person on the other end of the phone seemed not to hear it, "I can wait for you. It won't take long. I just want to tell you something and something else." One thing for you. You can choose a place that is convenient for you to meet me."

She had reached this point, but Chi Enen didn't want to give up. She thought for a moment and said, "Okay, I'll wait for you at XX in 20 minutes."

She was talking about a cafe outside Country Garden.

It's very close to here and very safe.

"Okay." Gu Qianci agreed quickly.

After making an appointment with her, I stopped disturbing her and hung up in a sensible manner.

Chi Enen frowned and slowly put down the phone. She couldn't figure out why Gu Qianci suddenly called her. And what do you want to do with her?

She couldn't figure it out, so she just didn't want to. She took advantage of these 20 minutes to open her laptop and read the files in the mailbox before replying.

I went to talk to Chi Baobao again and went out.

The cafe is just outside Country Garden, a five-minute walk away.

She didn't know where Gu Qianci was before. Anyway, she ordered coffee and sat there waiting for less than ten minutes before Gu Qianci hurried over.

"Well, I'm sorry, I'm late." She looked like she had rushed over in a hurry, and her hair was a little messed up by the wind.

These are not what Chi Enen pays most attention to.

What caught Chi Enen's attention the most was her face, which looked particularly haggard. She looked like two different people from the Gu Qianci she remembered.

In her impression, even when she was in the most embarrassing situation, Gu Qianci wore exquisite makeup and was full of charm.

Where is it like now, with a pale face, a thin body, no makeup, and a haggard appearance visible to the naked eye. That haggardness was internal haggardness, and it didn't mean that she had become ugly. In fact, Gu Qianci was still very beautiful.

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