Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2051 Su Chengyan and Sheng Aiyi got married? !

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Gu Qianci also noticed that she was looking at him, smiled bitterly, pulled out the chair opposite her, and said, "Do I look embarrassed?"

"...Hmm." Chi Enen originally wanted to say no, but it was too false. She didn't like the hypocrisy, "It's not the same as before."

Gu Qianci sat across from her and asked the waiter to bring him a cup of Blue Mountain coffee. Then he turned to face her and said, "It's definitely different. People always grow up after experiencing something. Learn more principle."

Chi Enen frowned, not knowing what she meant.

She was about to ask Gu Qianci why he wanted her out.

Gu Qianci suddenly said first, "Su Chengyan is married."


Su Chengyan.

Chi Enen hadn't heard this name for a long time. She was in a daze for a moment, but she didn't have any special feeling in her heart. She was just a little surprised. Why did Gu Qianci tell her this?

"You also know my marriage partner, Sheng Aiyi."

Sheng Aiyi...

Chi Enen was stunned again. She was familiar with this name. Sheng Aiyi had chased Li Beijue before.

Sheng Aiyi and Su Chengyan... Chi Enen couldn't think of anything where the two of them could socialize. How could two completely unrelated people suddenly get married?

Also, isn't Su Chengyan and Gu Qianci together?

At that time, after Su Chengyan and Chi Ya cut off contact, he got together with Gu Qianci, and the two seemed to be living together.

Why did he marry Sheng Aiyi again in the blink of an eye?

Gu Qianci...

Chi Enen looked at her.

Gu Qianci seemed to know what she was doubting. She twitched her lips with a wry smile and said, "I know what you want to ask me. I'm out."

"From the beginning, I knew I was going to go out, I just didn't expect that I would go out in such an ugly way."

"The Su family and the Sheng family decided to get married because of their business dealings. Sheng Aiyi found me and had a showdown with me, asking me to leave Su Chengyan. I found out I was pregnant a week before Sheng Aiyi came to find me."

Gu Qianci took out a lady's cigarette and lit it, her eyes wandering, as if she was smiling, or just numbly narrating.

"Originally, if I hadn't found out that I was pregnant, I would have left obediently in this situation. But when I found out that I was pregnant, I suddenly wanted to give it a try and fight for myself. I found Su Chengyan and told him about the hospital inspection results.”

Chi Enen waited for her next step.

"He didn't give me any answer that night and just hugged me. He left early the next morning. I thought I won the bet. But I didn't expect that his mother would come to my door at noon. Take me with you. He took me to the hospital with his bodyguard and forced the doctor to check my child's DNA."

"I was only one month pregnant, how could I detect DNA? She told me clearly in front of everyone in the hospital that she did not believe that the child in my belly was Su Chengyan's. Later, she also investigated Everything I’ve done over the years has been thrown right in my face.”

Gu Qianci lowered his head and sneered, hiding the sadness in his eyes and said, "You know I was not clean before, and I am a person with a dark history. Those photos are in front of me, and I can't explain a word. I have always been She has been someone else’s mistress, so what she said is correct.”

But she didn't expect that Su Chengyan would tell his mother about it as soon as he knew she was pregnant.

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