Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2072 Li Beijue helps her take revenge

When she thought about how she died before the first person who played the game, she said in embarrassment, "I was caught by the opponent's assassin..."

"Assassin? Which one? The ladyboy with the hat?"

Domineering and powerful.

What is that shemale just wearing a hat?

Chi Enen took a closer look and saw that the assassin looked like he was wearing a hat, but the ladyboy... didn't have one.

"Well, that's the one wearing the hat."

"Are you a pig? You can be caught to death for such a simple game?" He said disgustedly, and the next second he said, "Wait!"

Chi Enen saw his shooter character on the screen starting to run towards the opponent's jungle area.

Chi Enen quickly stopped him, "Leave me alone, you are a shooter, don't run in, you can't beat him. You develop first."

"Who said that?"

The arrogant man narrowed his eagle eyes slightly and cast a stern side glance.

Although he was just playing a competitive game, Chi Enen was stunned to see burning flames in him, and that kind of fierce aura. She had seen him appear at the military district performance before.

She was stunned for a moment.

It's not that she doesn't believe in his strength, it's just that the game is not a real fight. It's his first time playing. He ran to find the opponent's assassin. To her, it looked like he was going to die.

However, her eyes were still attracted by the characters on the iPad——

Li Beijue did not rush directly and recklessly in front of the opponent as she thought, but squatted in the grass of a wild monster.

She was still wondering what he was squatting there for, when she saw the assassin who had captured her before, after arresting a group of people, walked towards the wild monster.

Almost at the same time as the assassin reached the grass, a big bird flew towards the opponent, directly immobilizing the opponent and consuming one-third of his health. Immediately afterwards, the shooter on the screen calmly raised his bow and arrows and fired thousands of arrows at the immobilized assassin. In less than two seconds, two-thirds of the assassin's health had been consumed.

At this moment, the effect of immobilization passed.

Chi Enen couldn't help but hold her breath.

You know, assassins move very fast and are definitely not comparable to heroes like shooters.

Although Li Beijue's character has a big move that can immobilize him, he didn't get the head advantage like the opponent's assassin before, and the damage was simply not enough.

If you give the opponent a chance to counterattack, you will most likely kill him in the blink of an eye.

"Li Beijue, retreat quickly..."

I shouldn’t be able to escape now if I run...

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw the opponent's assassin flashing towards the shooter -

She saw the shooter wearing golden armor on the screen move to the left. She didn't even see how he dodged. He had already dodged the assassin's big move. Immediately afterwards, the shooter on the screen calmly and cruelly hit the assassin twice more, one after another.

The assassin fell suddenly!

"An enemy has been slained (we have killed an enemy)"

Chi Enen was dumbfounded and didn't understand how he operated. They watched him take the first kill on their side, and then calmly eat the opponent's big wild monster, and evacuated the opponent's jungle area before the opponent's people came over...


On the screen, the assassin who had just been tortured and killed by Li Beijue sent a message.

Li Beijue's thin lips curled up sternly, his eyes narrowed, and he said fiercely, "He won't get another kill this round."

There won’t be another kill in this game!

So domineering and arrogant!

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