Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2073 Chasing the opponent to kill

"What do you mean?" The game just started, how did he know that the opponent couldn't get a kill?

"Because I will chase him, every time he comes out, I will kill him!"

Who dared to touch his people!

Who dared to touch Chi Enen, he would touch!

This was the first time Chi Enen heard of a shooter chasing an assassin when she played this game.

At this moment, her character had been resurrected, and there was no one in the middle lane, so she had to go to the middle lane to continue guarding the tower.

While she was consuming each other with the opponent's mage, she saw the message of the opponent's assassin being KOed every two minutes on the screen.

"An enemy has been slained!"

At first, the opponent's assassin sent messages praising Li Beijue's operation 666.

"An enemy has been slained!"

"An enemy has been slained!"


After being killed by the shooter three times in a row, he changed from 666 to, [Fuck, the shooter of the other side is sick, why do you keep killing me! ]

[Try to kill me again? ]

Less than a minute after the harsh words were spoken, his death notice sounded again on the screen.

Chi Enen's mouth twitched.

Sure enough, the assassin player's curse flashed on the screen, [Fuck, you TM like me! I provoke you, you killed me 4 times. You wait, I'm going to fight you! ]

[I won't do anything today, I'll kill you! ]


There is also a series of garbled codes that have been harmonized, probably angry and swearing.

Chi Enen couldn't help but glance at the man next to him. Li Beijue's profile was solemn and noble, as if he didn't take the other party's threats seriously at all.

It's just a game.

He played it with a sense of arrogance and dominance!

The opponent's assassin did what he said. This time he was smarter and didn't dare to act alone. Basically, he followed his teammates.

This time he lived a little longer.

He also followed his teammates to fight the big dragon.

Everything was fine.

Just when their side took down the big dragon, a big bird flew out and just aimed at the assassin who only had one-third of his health left.

I saw a cold female voice on the screen again, calmly announcing the death of the opponent's assassin.

Everyone on the screen was stunned by his move.

All the screens were refreshed.

[666! ]


[6 flying...]

Among them were the opponent's teammates.

Chi Enen saw it clearly this time. When this man was operating, he was still half a map away from the assassin.

He was still killing monsters before using his ultimate.

But he seemed to have seen the other side fight the dragon, and predicted the opponent's health. At the moment when the opponent's health was reduced after killing the dragon, his ultimate accurately landed on the assassin.

Simple and crude!

Kill in one move!

Too scary.

This kind of play is completely a massacre.

He played the shooter like an assassin, no, it was even more brutal than the assassin's operation!

This kind of precise calculation, coupled with the shooter's ultra-long range ultimate, is more than an assassin. It's like setting up a rocket launcher.

[Are you sick? Why are you grabbing me to kill! Did I provoke you? ! ]

[It's just a game, do you have to? ! ]

Li Beijue's ultimate just now could have been used to grab the dragon. It would be much easier to win the game if you grab the dragon. But he didn't use it to grab the dragon, but to massacre the opponent's assassin.

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