Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2074 Even playing a game is so cruel

He didn't seem to take Dalong seriously at all.

Such an obvious target.

No one else would be able to calm down.

No wonder the opponent's assassin was so angry.

The assassin came back to life and was killed instantly by the golden-armored shooter again——

"An enemy has been slained! (We have killed one of the opponent's heroes)!"

The cold female voice sounded again.

The screen was filled with angry assassins——

【Fuck! are you crazy! 】

[You don’t want the tower anymore? 】

[You don’t even want the tower but you still want to kill me. Do you know how to play? 】

[If you kill me, can you go to heaven? 】

[Did I kill your whole family? 】

Chi Enen watched the person beside him calmly type a line of words on his iPad with his slender fingers and send it out.

She looked down at her iPad.

On the screen, a message from CEE's man popped up - [You killed my woman. 】

You killed my woman!

Six simple words, domineering and protective!

You can feel the strong protectiveness across the screen.

It was obviously just a game, and Li Beijue was sitting next to her. She didn't know why, but her heart beat faster.

The screen goes silent for a few seconds.

The opponent's assassin yelled, "Nah, I didn't kill you!" Who knows who your woman is! 】

【You are crazy! 】

【Just playing a game! If I don’t kill her, I’m still waiting for her to kill me! 】

CEE man: [So I will kill you. 】

[Then just kill me once. Say it yourself, how many times have you killed me? 】

[You ambush and kill me six times! 】

His character was resurrected again, and he just controlled the character and walked out not far.

He was stopped by the golden shooter in the grass with a big move, and he was solved in three strikes, five strikes and two divides.

The assassin fell magnificently.

"An enemy has been slained! (We have killed one of the opponent's heroes)!"



[You are awesome, you have the ability to kill me until I win, but it is useless for you to kill me. Silly Que, it’s your first time playing it. 】

Li Beijue narrowed his eyes.

Chi Enen was afraid that he would just drag the opponent out from the other side of the screen and beat him.

I just wanted to tell him that there are so many people who like to curse in this game.

At this moment, she heard the man beside her whisper, "Chi Enen, follow me!"

"You are……"

In the grass on the side of the middle road, the golden shooter suddenly appeared.

With one ultimate move and several skills, she instantly killed the mage who had been confronting her.

"Double kill double kill!"

"Follow me! I ask you to use skills, so you use them."


Chi Enen controlled the character and kept up with the golden shooter.

"Squat into the grass!"


She hurriedly maneuvered the character into the grass.

Within a few seconds, the opponent's warrior came over with the shooter.

"Second skill."

She quickly used her second skill.

The golden shooter then released his ultimate move, "Ultimate move, strafing."

Chi Enen immediately swept towards the two heroes who were immobilized.

The golden shooter is calmly doing the finishing touches next to him.

"Trible Kill three kills!"

"UltraKill four kills!"

The cold female voice from the iPad is accompanied by sound effects, which is particularly exciting.

The calm man made arrangements in a deep voice, "Push down the tower."

She followed his character and followed him to push up the opponent's defense tower in the middle.

After pushing two towers in a row, she was about to get on the opponent's highland defense tower.

She saw the golden archer who was following her walking to the left, "Down the road."

Chi Enen hurriedly used his character to follow him to the lower lane and hid in the grass in the jungle area of ​​the lower lane. After waiting for about twenty seconds, the opponent's assassins and mages came over to clear the line of troops.

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