Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2075 Handsome guy, do you need a wife?

"Chi Enen, second skill!"

She immediately threw it out with her second skill.

Just hit the opponent's mage.

Immediately afterwards, the assassin was immobilized by the shooter's ultimate move and was killed instantly.

"Killing spree, killing spree!"

The mage was also eliminated by her.

They cooperated and pushed three more towers.

At this time, the three teammates who had been beaten by the opponent also came. There was only one warrior left on the other side.

I saw the golden shooter calmly locking the opponent's warrior's position, rushing under the tower, calmly taking off the head, and rushing out of the defense tower with the last trace of blood left.

"Panta Kill Five Kills!"

The opponent was killed across the board.

The soldiers on their side also happened to enter the opponent's crystal position, and several other people were busy pushing up the opponent's crystal.

On the screen, the dead people of the other party were constantly flashing——


[The best shooter I have ever seen...]

[Could it be the trumpet of some great god...]

【6666, Handsome guy, if you don’t need a wife, I think I can do it too. Otherwise, you can accept me. It doesn’t matter if you don’t lack a wife or a mistress. Seeking band! 】

【66666, please add me, I want to lie down and go to the king. 】

【 @¥%\u0026amp;amp;amp;amp;\u0026amp;amp;amp;amp;*……】

The screen is almost full of 6666.

The opponent's assassin didn't know if he had been killed so many times that he lost his temper and actually didn't curse anymore.

Chi Enen can actually understand the opponent's mood. If she plays the assassin well, she will lead the team to win.

Suddenly, a shooter appears who plays the same game as a cheater. He plays like an assassin and ambushes him all over the map. Come out and kill once, come out and kill once.

The whole game was played with one thing in mind - being killed, resurrected, and killed!

If it were her, her mentality would also collapse.

Especially losing in the end, this feeling was so humiliating.

She would probably be too embarrassed to talk on it.

"Victory! (Victory)"

The opponent's crystal broke in the sound effect of victory, and the first game was over.

The data from both sides is out.

Except for Li Beijue, everyone else on their side is basically a trap. Only Li Beijue's data stands out among the others.

13 kills, 0 deaths, 16 assists.

This data is simply great data.

The worst thing is the opponent's assassin.

He clearly had an advantage of three kills in the early stage, but since being targeted by Li Beijue, he hasn't gotten a single kill.

All eight deaths were caused by Li Beijue's KO.

Chi Enen looked at her screen. Only one teammate gave her a like.

Looking at Li Beijue again, not only their teammates, but also the teammates on the other side gave him a thumbs up. There are ten people in total, except for his own likes and the assassin, he got 7 likes.

Chi Enen thought about it and ordered one for him.

The golden shooter has 8 likes below.

The assassin on the other side didn't know if he was stimulated. After she liked it, his profile picture darkened. This means that the other party has left the game room.

Chi Enen turned around and saw several more friend messages on his control panel.

She saw the stern man just glanced at them and deleted the messages, and couldn't help but ask him, "Aren't you going to add them?"

"Why should I add?" Of course.

"Because..." Someone else added you.

Anyway, I'm just playing games, so adding a friend is normal.

Chi Enen hasn't said anything yet.

"No more!" It's straightforward!

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