Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2076 It’s enough to have one person with a high IQ in the family

The domineering man stretched out his hand towards her, "Give me your iPad."

"What do you want my iPad for?" she said, hand handing him the thing out of habit.

Li Beijue took her iPad, lowered his head, and skillfully operated the control panel of her game. He asked her impatiently, "You can only play mage, right?"

"...I can only play that one hero."

Li Beijue figured it out, narrowed his eyes, and directly charged 30,000 yuan into her account. I bought all the mage heroes, bought the mage's skins by the way, and also bought a set of magic inscriptions for her.

While doing it, he said, "This game is a money-charging game. Did you see that these inscriptions have a bonus effect on the hero's skills. Your damage now will be much better than the effect when you just played. If the opponent and If you play the same hero and you have these inscriptions and skins, but the opponent doesn’t, then if you use your skills at the same time, you can kill her instantly instead of being killed by her.”

"..." What her Chi Baobao told her was that this game was about hand speed, and she didn't play well because she was cheating, and her skills were slower than others every time.

Li Beijue pointed to the character on the iPad and said, "Also, if you want to win, you must first predict where the opponent may appear. Like the hero you play, she has a stun and silence skill in her own skills. You know Just use this skill to hit the opponent first, and then add a big move. Moreover, your hero will do a lot of damage in the later stage. When it comes to assassins or shooters, you don't need to use two skills one after another. Skills can take away the opponent..."

"Also, you have to figure out whether you are playing in the early, mid or late stages. Every time you kill a minion, you will generate money. You can use this money to buy equipment for your hero. Your equipment determines your output and HP. If you want to play in the early stage, buy equipment with partial output. If you want to play in the later stage, buy HP and defense. Then, he paused, looked up at Chi Enen, and said, " As for the operation, it’s simpler. It’s just three words.”

"What?" Chi Enen was confused and looked at him subconsciously.

The handsome man has perfect and deep facial features, just like the sun god Apollo. It was so dazzling that all the light around him fell on him. He was born with a charm that made people unable to take their eyes away.

His rose-colored thin lips touched up and down, and the good atmosphere was ruined by him, "Look at your IQ!"

Chi Enen, "..."

So what he means is that she doesn't play well because she doesn't have enough IQ?

Her temples jumped twice.

I heard the domineering person continue, "Chi Enen, don't be depressed. It's enough to have one person with a high IQ in the family! You don't need to be good at playing. If you want to play in the future, just tell me and I will take care of you." ”

"With me here, you just have to lie back and win!"

The words should obviously be touching, but when they came out of his mouth, Chi Enen didn't feel moved at all.

The corner of her mouth twitched, and she couldn't help but retort, "My IQ... isn't that high enough to affect my ability to play games, right?"

What she means is that her IQ is fine.

Unexpectedly, the person who had always disliked her actually agreed with her words, "Not yet. But not enough to win the game."

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