Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2108 Didn’t answer the phone

"Steward Huo called just now to say that the Duke of Habsden has passed away and should be coming soon, right?" The assistant thought for a while and finally thought of some news that could save him.

"When can I call you?" The anxious person immediately looked at him, his eyes locked.

The assistant's heart was raised in his throat as he was being stared at, and he immediately said, "Steward Huo called more than ten minutes ago."

"More than ten minutes ago..." Li Beijue pursed his thin lips into a straight line and ordered without thinking, "Call back and ask him where he has been!"


The Duke of Habsden has only been here for more than ten minutes, and Miss Chi may not have set off yet.

Sir Alex is too anxious, right?

He thought so in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it. He silently picked up the phone and went to the side to make a call.

At this time Huo Tingting came with Jin Zhixuan. Because they had a good relationship, he came directly to find Li Beijue.

"Beijue, how do you feel?" After saying that, he saw his assistant sweating profusely on the phone and was surprised, "What's wrong?"

The assistant made the first call but didn't get through. He called again and still didn't get through.

He stamped his feet, put down his cell phone, and walked over, as if someone had strangled his neck. He whispered, "Sir, Butler Huo didn't answer the phone."

After he finished speaking, he clearly felt a gust of cold wind blowing by, making his neck shrink.

"I did not answer?"

The assistant said bravely, "Yes, I called Butler Huo twice, but Butler Huo didn't answer the phone."

Li Beijue frowned as if he could kill a fly. He didn't know what he thought of, and his face suddenly turned ugly, "Hit me again! Hit me until I catch you!"

After he finished speaking, he didn't notice Huo Tingting and the others at all. They frowned and walked around in place.

I did not answer?

Why didn't Huo Yi answer the call?

Did something happen to the woman that caused Huo Yi not to receive the call?

Li Beijue's expression suddenly turned extremely ugly.

Mainly because it’s not impossible!

After all, what Li Qiyun said was still vivid in his mind.

Li Qiyun said that there was a force behind the scenes that had been targeting Chi Enen. The reason why Chi Enen encountered so many things was because of that force.

Even the car accident in Country Y was related to the forces behind it!

That force is definitely not that simple. It is definitely possible that they want to take advantage of this wedding to cause trouble!

When Li Beijue thought of this, he couldn't stand for a minute. He opened his legs and suddenly said to Huo Tingting who was beside him, "No, I'm going to find someone!"

He was worried.

Huo Tingting didn't expect him to be so impulsive. He was about to leave, so he grabbed him and stood in front of him. "Who are you looking for? Don't tell me that you want to find Miss Chi now?"

"Step aside!"

"Beijue, are you kidding? Today is your wedding. You are the groom and you have to wait here to arrange the guests! What will happen to the guests when you leave?" Huo Leiting really convinced him, but it was Huo Tingting who It's just that Yi didn't receive the call. Should Bei Jue be so nervous?

"Maybe Huo Yi just didn't hear the phone ringing, or maybe he didn't bring his phone with him. Don't be too nervous. You've been too nervous since last night. Last night was fine, but today you can't be too free!"

Li Beijue didn't know how to tell him about Li Qiyun, nor how to tell him that his worries about Chi Enen were not unreasonable!

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