His handsome face sank slightly, and when he was thinking about how to get Huo Tingting to step aside, his assistant's cell phone suddenly rang.

As soon as the assistant looked at the caller ID, he was like a drowning person seeing a lifeboat, and said quickly, "Sir, it's Butler Huo calling."

After he finished speaking, he immediately picked up, "Hey, um, um, yes, it's..."

While he answered it, he quickly glanced at the man who wanted to snatch his phone away. He hesitated to speak and made a few hesitant hums.

Under Li Beijue's burning gaze, he hung up the phone.

"What did he say?!" As soon as he hung up, Li Beijue immediately asked.

The assistant had never seen him so nervous before and did not dare to delay. He said, "Housekeeper Huo said that Miss Lin forgot her bouquet at Country Garden just now. He went up to help Miss Lin get the bouquet. He forgot his mobile phone in the car. , no call was received. They have set off now and will arrive at the scene in twenty minutes, so Sir, don’t worry.”

Li Beijue's heart, which was about to jump out a second ago, fell heavily back into his chest this second.

Fortunately it's okay...

Huo Tingting frowned and breathed a sigh of relief, "I said it's okay. As expected, Huo Yi forgot to bring his mobile phone with him. Don't worry too much. With the Duke of Habsden here, Miss Chi will definitely Arrange it here.”

It was only more than twenty minutes away. He didn't know what Beijue was worried about.

The way he acted just now made him think that he was going to punch himself if he didn't get out of the way.

Fortunately, Huo Yi's call came in time.

However, Li Beijue's excessive reaction just now made him pay more attention.

He knew this man well. Li Beijue was definitely not the kind of man who would make a fuss. There must be some reason for Beijue's sudden reaction after hearing that Huo Yi didn't answer the phone.

Speaking of which, the incident last time was finally found to be related to Li Qiyun.

Could it be that Beijue was worried that Li Qiyun would do something again today?

He thought this explanation was more reasonable. He frowned and didn't understand why Li Qiyun targeted Chi Enen again and again.

He didn't know Chi Enen well, but after just a few interactions with him, he felt that Chi Enen was a person with a good personality.

Logically speaking, Li Qiyun shouldn't dislike such a person that much.

Although he didn't understand, this kind of thing was the Li family's family matter after all, and he had no intention of asking about other people's family matters. He narrowed his eyes and reminded the anxious man, "Mrs. Habsden is coming soon. Beijue, it's almost time for you to take care of the guests."

There were so many people here today, but as the groom, he actually ignored everyone and kept waiting here for news about Chi Enen.

Huo Leiting's temples jumped twice, and he didn't know what to say to him.

After Li Beijue confirmed that Chi Enen and the others would arrive in more than twenty minutes, he returned to his normal expression, nodded his chins with Huo Tingting, and walked out...

As the groom, he must be responsible for taking care of his guests.

He could ignore the others, but Old Mrs. Habsden, he had to go and greet her.

After all, they are Chi Enen's relatives!

Time passed minute by minute...

Nine o'clock.

Several Bentleys drove out of the way, and a stretched Lincoln drove into the reporters' sight.

"I'm coming!"

"Quick, get ready!"

"Lens, photographer, focus! Quick!"

The surrounding reporters suddenly became excited, and all kinds of long guns and short cannons were aimed in Lincoln's direction——

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