Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2110 The wedding is in progress


The bride who had been waiting all morning finally came out!

The moment the motorcade stopped, the spotlights began to flash crazily.

As soon as the car stopped, the driver was the first to get off.

The driver in a suit quickly ran to the car door and opened it.

Immediately afterwards, a tall and straight man appeared in everyone's sight.

Suddenly the spotlight went crazy.

"Duke of Habsden, look here!"

"Look here!"

Quan Dongting pulled down his suit with his hand. He didn't look at the reporters around him at all. He calmly and gently walked to the other side of the car, opened the door himself, stretched out his hand and said, "Well, let's get out of the car."

Chi Enen had already heard the noisy voices of reporters outside.

Her heart was beating so hard that it was about to burst out of her chest. She was so nervous that she didn't even put her hand on him immediately.

It wasn't until she saw Quan Dongting's gentle and encouraging eyes that she calmed down a lot, stretched out her hand, put it on Quan Dongting's hand, and got out of the car.


As soon as Chi Enen got out of the car, all the reporters in the audience were excited!

They imagined that the wedding dress of the century wedding must be extremely luxurious and expensive, but they did not expect that the wedding dress Chi Enen wore would be even more gorgeous than they imagined. The extra-long wedding veil and sparkling diamond embellishments almost blinded the eyes of all reporters present.

What's even worse is that someone recognized the jewelry Chi Enen was wearing and exclaimed, "Star of the Ocean, my God, it's the Star of the Ocean!"

Star of the Ocean was designed by Louis XVI himself in the 18th century. He used the largest gemstones at the time and found the best craftsmen to cut a perfect set of jewelry, named Star of the Ocean.

Meaning, this set of sapphires is as beautiful as the heart of the ocean, with a deep blue color!

This set of jewelry was auctioned in the early years, and then disappeared.

No one expected Chi Enen to be wearing it.

They may not know the value of the wedding dress, but they can probably guess the value of this set of jewelry. At least more than a billion!

"Miss Chi, can you look at this place?"

"Miss Chi, look over here, look over here!"

"Miss Chi, please look here and smile."

The reporters were excited. The spotlights were flashing like crazy, and all the lights were focused on Chi Enen and Chi Enen's appearance.

They can predict that this bridal look will definitely become the most expensive and gorgeous bridal look in this century.

This extremely gorgeous wedding dress will become a classic!

It's so beautiful!

Beautiful beyond imagination!

Any beautiful girl will be fascinated by such a wedding dress!

Quan Dongting helped Chi Enen block part of the spotlight without leaving a trace, then stretched out his left arm, smiling as if Chi Enen raised his eyebrows, "Let's go."

Chi Enen held his arm and hummed softly.

Quan Dongting seemed to feel her nervousness, his brown eyes showed worry, and he said softly, "Don't be afraid, I will be by your side. Your grandma, Chi Baobao, and the others are all inside."

Chi Enen's heart was beating fast. When he heard these words, he felt as if he was comforted by an invisible force for some reason, and his fast-beating heart suddenly calmed down.


She is not alone.

Peace of mind is there.

Nono is here.

Chi Baobao, grandma, uncle, Qin Nan, Mr. Li, the old housekeeper... they are all here.

Also, that person is here too!

He is waiting for her!

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