Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2120 Who did you call just now?

"..." Li Qiyun just wanted to delay their actions, but she didn't expect them to agree so quickly. She was about to speak.

The person on the other end of the phone said, "That's it, Miss Li, wait."

"I..." She just opened her mouth, and the other end hung up the phone.

Li Qiyun listened to the beeping sound of electricity on the other end of the phone and slowly put down the phone. Her brows frowned...

She just wanted to delay time and prevent them from doing anything bad to Beijue. They wouldn't really go to trouble Chi Enen, right?

Li Qiyun pursed her lips.

Her hand holding the phone tightened a little silently.

Her eyes became complicated.

Just then.

The door of the ward was pushed open.

The tall man with blond hair and blue eyes asked the bodyguard to guard the door and walked in himself-

The person on the bed didn't seem to notice that he came in, and was still immersed in his own thoughts.

The evil man first glanced at her face, and the next second he noticed the phone in her hand, and his eyes darkened a little.

He moved his eyes to the side and immediately saw that in addition to the mobile phone in Li Qiyun's hand, there was also a TV remote control next to the bed.

Looking at the distance between the remote control and her hand, he knew that the person in the room had used it just now.

A trace of sinisterness flashed in Oss's eyes and he approached the bed.

Li Qiyun heard the footsteps and quickly pulled herself out of her emotions. She raised her head and met the man's face. She was stunned for a moment and regained her usual calmness and indifference, "What's the matter?"

"Come to see you."

Li Qiyun was silent for a moment, raised the corner of her mouth, full of sarcasm, and said mockingly, "Don't worry, I'm not crazy yet."

This man came to the hospital to see her at this time, just because of the overwhelming news on the Internet, and came to see her reaction.

Since the last time, the darkest secret in her heart was known by this man, Li Qiyun got along with him more naturally.

Anyway, she no longer had any secrets in front of him. Now she was really like what he said before, and they were the same kind. No one knew her better than him, so they were destined to be together.

"Really? That's the best." Oss didn't even move his eyebrows, pulled out the chair in front of the bed, and sat down gracefully. He took the apple and fruit knife from the bedside table, calmly peeled them, and suddenly asked, "Who did you call just now?"

Li Qiyun then noticed that she was still unconsciously holding the phone. Her back stiffened for a moment, and soon recovered as usual. She put the phone aside and said, "Someone from the company."

Oss narrowed his eyes and looked at her.

Li Qiyun has never been the kind of person who would be affected by external pressure. Under his gaze, she pulled the quilt to cover her belly with great calmness. She relaxed on the cushioned pillow, with a relaxed look.

Oss didn't see anything, retracted his sharp eyes, continued to lower his head, and peeled the apple.

Soon, he finished peeling the apple in his hand.

He cut it into small pieces, put it in a fruit plate, and handed it to the person on the bed. His evil face was cold and indifferent. "You better not lie to me. Li Qiyun, do you know how much money the Oss family lost because of you this time?"

"2.3 billion." He touched his thin lips again, "US dollars."

2.3 billion US dollars.

This is definitely not a small amount!

This man can be said to be extremely calm, and he is also evil.

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