Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2121 We should hurt each other!

There was no wave in those deep blue eyes, but one could feel the warning in his tone, "It was the Jin family and the Li family's chaebol who teamed up to trick us. You should know very well that the Li family member has retired. Why did the old man who had been waiting for so long suddenly take action?"

Li Qiyun was startled for a moment. After hearing this, he smiled and sneered, "Don't blame everything on me. Why did the old man do it? You know the reasons better than me. I am not the main reason. The real reason is because of you." Your hand is too long. Do you think the old man can't find out that you participated in the shareholders' meeting? As long as it was done, it would be impossible not to leave some traces. You are too young to play with the old man! "

She was taught by Mr. Li.

She learned all her business skills from Mr. Li.

To put it bluntly, she can't even play with the old man.

Where did he get the confidence to think that he could wipe away the traces of his involvement?

"As for why you want to participate in the shareholders' meeting, don't say it's because of me. If you want to get a share of the pie, you have to bear the consequences of failure. Do you want me to tell you this?"

Oslo and her were cooperating.

Exchange of benefits.

She wanted to use the shareholders' meeting to threaten Beijue and Chi Enen to break up.

And he wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to gain benefits for the family.

Therefore, they are just interest transactions.

Now that she failed, she had to bear the consequences that she should bear, and Aos now had to bear the consequences that he should bear.

As soon as she finished speaking, her chin was suddenly pinched.

The man carrying the peeled apple fruit plate suddenly approached, and his handsome face suddenly enlarged in front of her eyes, showing a little anger, "Li Qiyun, no one told you, is it better for a woman not to be too tough in front of men? ?”

"No man likes his woman to be too tough."

In particular, she acted too calmly, analyzed and talked to him calmly, and divided everything very clearly.

This kind of clarity is clear to outsiders.

"Don't forget, your current identity is Mrs. Aos!" Aos suddenly shook off his hand and reminded her coldly.

Li Qiyun was lifted up by him, then shook it away, and his back hit the pillow.

Luckily the pillow was very soft and didn't really hit her waist.

Even so, there was still a sharp stabbing pain in the stomach that was already cramping.

A large amount of cold sweat broke out on her forehead, her face was pale, and she sneered, "I have not forgotten my identity. My identity does not mean that I have to bear responsibilities that I should not bear. You'd better not forget that I am Mrs. Os, I am also myself. I have to be Li Qiyun before I can be what you call Mrs. Os!"

This is who she is and can't change.

"You like gentle women, so you shouldn't have chosen me from the beginning. This way both of us can be freed."

Aos suddenly approached her, his evil blue eyes were bottomless, and he squeezed out three words from between his teeth, "What a beautiful idea!"

After he finished speaking, he straightened up, returned to his gentlemanly appearance, and said, "You are Mrs. Oss, and it is impossible to change it. I said that we are the same kind. It is best for people like us to hurt each other. If they were to be together with another person, wouldn't you think that couple would be too pitiful? "

Li Qiyun tightened her lips in humiliation and did not answer. Just stared at him calmly.

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