Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2122 This is her punishment

The nurse broke in at this time, "Miss Li, your honey water."

She immediately saw other people in the ward. She was frightened, holding a water glass, and stammered, "Hello, Master Aos, I...I didn't see you before."

"It's okay." Ossie was an absolute British gentleman in front of others, and the corners of his smiling mouth seemed to have been set perfectly.

The nurse's ears suddenly turned red, and she quickly moved her eyes away for fear of being seen. Carrying the honey water, she walked towards Li Qiyun's hospital bed and said, "Miss Li, this is the honey water you asked for."

Li Qiyun's stomach felt violent and cramping.

She tried her best to keep her face as straight as possible to prevent others from seeing it, and said coldly, "Put it there."

The nurse hesitated and said, "Ms. Li, the water temperature is just right now. If you leave it for a while, the honey water will become cold. The doctor said it is best not to drink cold things during this period."

"I said put it there, don't you understand?" Li Qiyun interrupted her.

Her body hurt too much, and she was still thinking about the previous phone call, so she was in a bad mood.

The nurse's face turned pale, and she glanced at the tall man in the ward without any trace, her eyes turned red, and she said with a nasal voice, "Yes, Miss Li, I'm sorry."

She put the water glass on the cabinet and stood aside quietly.

But anyone could see her grievance.

Li Qiyun had never seen such a big reaction from the little nurse, and she could see the little actions just now.

She felt more irritable.

She rarely felt so upset. Even though she tried her best to restrain herself, she could still feel her chest tightening with irritation.

Aos didn't say anything to Li Qiyun like the nurse thought. He just stood beside the hospital bed, casually handed the fruit plate to the nurse, and said, "Take this apple and eat it."

The nurse was flattered and quickly took it, her ears were red and she stammered, "Thank you...Thank you, Master Os."

Normally, Li Qiyun might not feel anything, but now, seeing this scene, she still felt a little disgusted.

Oss just gave the apple to the nurse and didn't say anything more to the nurse. He turned his head and said to her, "You should have a good rest. I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

"..." Li Qiyun ignored him and leaned on the pillow.

Closed her beautiful eyes.

The silhouette is heroic and beautiful.

Ao Si glanced at her, turned around and went out.

The door to the ward quickly closed.

Li Qiyun felt a sense of sadness in her heart, and her stomach hurt to the extreme, but she didn't want to tell anyone.

She is bringing it upon herself now, and this is the punishment she should accept.

Since it was punishment, wouldn't it be better for her to grit her teeth and endure it?

At this moment, the door to the ward was opened again.

Medical staff in white coats filed in. The doctor in charge was the doctor in charge of her. As soon as they entered the door, they immediately said to Li Qiyun, "Miss Li, Master Aos told me before he left that you are not feeling well. Where are you?" Are you comfortable? Can I check you out?"

Li Qiyun opened his eyes with a complicated expression, "Who did you say asked you to come?"

"...Master Os." The doctor didn't understand.

Li Qiyun tightened her hand on the bedside. Veins popped out on the back of her hand because she was too hard.

How...how could he tell that she wasn't feeling well? She obviously controlled herself very well, no one should be able to tell.

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