Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2167 The command is in encrypted mode

"And the intrusion system seems to have implanted some instructions into the elevator. The instructions are in encrypted mode. Now I can't see what is entered into it." Huo Yi spoke very slowly, as if his neck was stuck, and every word seemed to be squeezed out of his throat. He almost didn't dare to look at the expression of the man not far away, because just by imagining it, he could imagine how ugly the expression of the Lord would be!

If it was just a simple intrusion into the system, it would be nothing to make the elevator stop there.

But the other party also implanted a virus in the system.

What kind of virus did the other party implant?

What exactly is that encrypted command?

Is the young lady in the elevator? If she is...

Huo Yi quietly looked at the man with clenched fists and a livid face, closed his mouth, and looked anxious.

What should I do now?

Li Beijue's breathing became heavier, and every sound was like a beast panting. In the quiet room, a needle dropped and you could hear an echo, and his breathing became particularly obvious.


Huo Yi opened his mouth.

The man who had been forbearing and controlling his temper suddenly kicked over the chair in front of him and gritted his teeth and said, "Contact Li's headquarters immediately and ask someone to decipher this system. Whoever can decipher this system the fastest, I will give him 100 million!" Huo Yi quickly stood up and bent over and said, "Yes, Lord." After that, he hurried out to make arrangements. The security personnel in the hotel didn't dare to speak, and they all buried their heads to reduce their presence. Si Chen didn't expect that a good honeymoon party would encounter such a thing. Wasn't it all fine just now? Everyone was still having fun, how come En En suddenly... He was also anxious and worried. But it was much better than Li Beijue who was on the verge of losing control. At least he could still calm down. He saw his friend frowning, clenching his fists and panting. Worry still prevailed over everything. He stepped forward and patted the man on the shoulder, "Beijue, don't worry, maybe things are not as bad as we thought..." The other party tampered with the surveillance and implanted a virus program. Who would believe that the other party didn't want to do something? So when he said it was not as bad as he imagined, he was not so confident.

But in this situation, what else can he do except comfort Li Beijue and wait for the people at Li's headquarters to decipher the system instructions?

Si Chen opened his mouth and continued, "Maybe, Enen is not in that elevator? You..."

"Even if Enen is in the elevator, Beijue, you still have to calm down. You know your situation. You can't lose control of your emotions. If you lose control, what about Enen? For Enen, you have to calm down..."

Li Beijue was irritable from beginning to end, and it was unknown whether he listened to what he said.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Ten minutes passed in a blink of an eye, and there was no news from Li's headquarters.

Si Chen went from the initial comfort to standing quietly beside him, silently supporting him.

Li Beijue was even more irritable and walked back and forth in the security room.

He was tall and had long legs. The security room of less than 15 square meters was not enough for him to take a few steps. He almost took five or six steps and made a circle, and five or six steps and made a circle.

Everyone present watched him walk around the room again and again.

They watched his mood become more and more unstable and irritable, and the atmosphere in the air became more and more oppressive and solemn...

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