Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2168 He can't wait any longer!

After all, Si Chen had been his personal doctor for a while and was very aware of this man's condition. He subconsciously said, "Beijue..."

Before he finished speaking, the extremely irritable man suddenly moved, picked up the chair in front of him, and slammed it against a row of monitoring computers!

When the chair was smashed into pieces, the computer in the security room was also damaged.

The glass screen could not withstand the violent impact and was directly smashed out of the hole.

The computer circuit board made a buzzing sound, and more than a dozen computers were short of lines, and sparks of electricity popped out...

The scene was so violent that everyone was shocked. Subconsciously bouncing to avoid the flying glass shards and wood chips——

After the security room was smashed, the entire security room was in a mess. Chairs, computers, everything were smashed to pieces.

The hotel staff were so angry that no one dared to stop him at this time.

Si Chen protected Lin Anxin, while Huo Tingting protected Jin Zhixuan, preventing the flying sawdust and glass shards from flying to them. Even so, Lin Anxin and the others inevitably had a lot of debris splashed on their heads and bodies.

After a series of smashings, the furious man smashed the last computer to pieces with a teacup and then suddenly stopped. He was as handsome as Apollo, his face was burning like a fire, and the fire in his pupils seemed to burn everything.

Li Beijue's chest was so depressed that he couldn't breathe. He unconsciously held up his left hand that was propped on the table. He didn't even notice that the palm of his hand was cut by the glass shards he grabbed.

Those scarlet eagle eyes glanced at Si Chen and Huo Tingting, and suddenly said, "I can't wait any longer!"

I can't wait for a minute or a second!

That woman was in the elevator, and his heart told him that Chi Enen was in that elevator! She was scared now and she needed him!

He can't wait here any longer!

Si Chen hurriedly grabbed his arm and stopped him, "Beijue, where are you going?"

He must not be impulsive.

Li Beijue pulled away his hand, his cold jaw firm, and ordered Huo Yi sternly and domineeringly, "Help me prepare something."


"Anti-cut gloves, safety nooses, eye masks, fruit candies..."

He talked about a series of things, but no matter how you look at them, these things are totally indistinguishable.

The one on the front looks like a piece of equipment for something, but what are the eye patches and fruit candies on the back?

Although Huo Yi didn't understand what Li Beijue meant by asking him to prepare these things, he still obeyed the order, "Yes, Sir, I will prepare it right away."

"Hurry! I want to see these things within ten minutes!" After Li Beijue became furious, he seemed to freeze suddenly, his face expressionless, making it difficult to understand what he was thinking.

Si Chen's heart was beating fast, and he always felt that what Li Beijue wanted to do was not something he would agree with. He frowned and was about to step forward.

The stern man had already stepped out with his long legs.

Qiao Yimo was not qualified to go in with them and stood outside all the time. She heard a loud crackling noise coming from inside and she still didn't understand what happened. She saw a tall and handsome man walking towards her like a Shura from hell——

Qiao Yimo was so frightened that her face turned pale, her legs softened, and she almost collapsed on the ground.

"Do you remember which floor the elevator reached and stopped?"

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