'boom! ’ The man was like a kite with a broken string. He hit the wall of the alley with a sudden force. He groaned in pain and rolled to the ground.

Before he could get up, a foot had already stepped on his face, and the cold leather shoe tip was grinding against his face. He was so embarrassed and angry that he wanted to struggle.

But he just moved.

Another fierce kick hit him in the stomach. ,

His whole body arched up in pain, bending into the shape of a shrimp.

Li Beijue looked at the man struggling in pain on the ground, his eyes unchanged at all, and ordered the people behind him, "Huo Yi, take him away!"

"Yes, Sir!"

Huo Yi forcibly pulled the people on the ground up, tied them up three times, and pushed them into the car——

Sir Alex used the power of the military region to find out the whereabouts of these people so quickly this time, which shows how angry Sir Alex was this time.

He could foresee this man's fate, but he had no sympathy.

I can only say that this person took on tasks that he shouldn’t have taken and made money that he shouldn’t have earned!

The car sped along and drove to a secluded villa.

The bodyguards took the people in the car into the villa.

Li Beijue was already sitting on the sofa in the villa, crossing his legs as if he was lazy and careless.

"Click." A gun was placed on the head of the moving man.

The man quieted down slightly.

Li Beijue glanced at him and raised his hand.

Huo Yi immediately asked someone to tear off the tape from the man's mouth.

If Lin Anxin were here, she would definitely recognize him at a glance. This person was the owner of the car she suspected of following them yesterday afternoon.

That foreign man wearing sunglasses!

But at this moment, Li Beijue had taken the sunglasses off his face, revealing his true face hidden behind the sunglasses. He is an ordinary-looking foreign Caucasian man.

"Copolun, mercenary 86597, since when did you start taking business from women?" Li Beijue's voice was slow, like a casual question, but everyone could hear the chill deep in his voice.

The young white man sneered. He still dared to speak harshly at this time, "I will accept any business that makes money! Will Sir Alex divide the money between the elderly and children when doing business?"

"At least I will divide what can be earned and what cannot be earned!" Li Beijue narrowed his eyes and said without giving up, "What you earned this time cannot be earned, don't you understand?"

He saw many international mercenaries like these when he was on missions in the military region.

They are all a group of desperadoes who are willing to do anything for money. When they are prosperous in their own circle, they really think that they can call the shots and do anything.

In fact, in his eyes, they were just a group of rats that only dared to hide and walk at night.

However, a mouse actually bit his most beloved baby, which he couldn't bear!

"Ha, after everything has been done, there is nothing that can or cannot be earned. Anyway, I was caught by you. You can kill me or scratch me, it's up to you!" The man said hard and raised his head.

Li Beijue narrowed his eagle eyes and touched his thin lips, "Who is your employer?"

"Hahaha, Sir, you don't know the rules of our mercenary industry? If you ask me this question, do you think I will answer you?"

Do something, love something.

He can't say it even if he doesn't love it!

If he dares to tell who his employer is today, tomorrow his former employer may pay someone to shut him up completely in order to keep his secret.

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