"Ha." A sneer escaped Li Beijue's lips, the meaning of which was unclear.

The man didn't know why his heart suddenly went crazy, and the wild laughter on his face couldn't go on, and he stared at him nervously.

Li Beijue's eagle eyes were cold, he glanced at him, and without even looking at the person next to him, he ordered, "Crap one of his fingers!"


What's the meaning?

Before the man could react, the bodyguards on both sides were already holding his hands. One of them put the little finger of his left hand on the coffee table. Without blinking, he suddenly picked up the ashtray on the side and smashed it down. !

"Ah!" he screamed.

The bodyguard who was executing the order touched his broken finger with an expressionless face, and calmly reported to the person on the sofa, "Sir, 012 has completed the mission!"

The veins on the man's head bulged in pain, and his forehead was covered with beads of sweat. The man sitting on the sofa crossed his legs and looked at him domineeringly. His thin lips touched him again, "Who is your employer?"

The man was so painful that he almost fainted, but he was pinned to the ground and could not move. He endured the pain and fear, twitched the corners of his mouth, and sneered, "Haha, Sir, if you can catch me, you can shoot me! I won't tell!"


"Yes, Sir."

The bodyguard pressed the ring finger of the male protagonist's left hand and followed the same pattern.

The man screamed in pain again, and the cold sweat on his forehead became even more intense.

"Who is your employer?"


This time, he didn't even have the strength to speak. With a burning feeling in his throat, he opened his eyes and stared at the person on the sofa.

Horrified, scared and angry.

Li Beijue raised his hand and told him with practical actions.

No answer will give the same result!

The man had three fingers cut off in a row, and his fingers were connected to his heart. The pain was beyond description in just a few words. He was sweating from the pain, and the muscles in his temples were twitching and pulsing. He glared at the people on the sofa with his angry eyes pretending to be calm, and laughed heartily, "Sir, if you can, please give me a pleasure! You don't have to torment me like this, I won't tell you!"

"Do you know how many fingers a person has?" Li Beijue was resting his head. His handsome and noble face faced him, his dark eyes looked at him and he said calmly, "Ten."

"After the fingers are broken, there are still palms, and after the hands are broken, there are still feet..."

"..." The man couldn't help but imagine the scene he described in his mind. He said it clearly very calmly, but for some reason, it gave people a very cruel feeling!

Li Beijue pursed his thin lips and continued, "My hands and feet are disabled and my ribs are gone! I want to see how tough your mouth is!"

There is no mouth that cannot be pried open in this world, unless that person is dead!

He actually dared to do it, and he had to expect this result.

"Who is your employer?"

The same question was repeated again. The man's legs trembled, and for a moment he almost couldn't hold on and was defeated.

He was conflicted and afraid, but at the same time he wanted to stick to his dignity as a mercenary.


Li Beijue didn't give him a chance. He touched his thin lips and said, "Follow the steps I told you and continue!"

Screams could be heard from time to time in the villa, and the smell of blood spread in the air...

after an hour.

Li Beijue drove back to the hospital first.

Si Chen saw the bright red spots on his clothes, but without saying anything, he had someone give him a new set of clothes, and then left with Lin Anxin.

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