Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2212 The person behind the scenes who designed Chi Enen is...

The lordship had been gone for less than ten minutes, and he couldn't bear it anymore after seven of his fingers were crippled in a row, so he told everything he knew. Including how to follow the young lady and the others by car, how to use the mercenary network to find hacker friends to hack the hotel management system, and how to sneak into the hotel and replace the monitoring computer in the security room. Of course, the most important thing is how to contact his 'customers'.

They used the contact information provided by the mercenary and contacted the person who hired him to deal with the young lady.

On the pretext of reporting the specific situation of the young lady, he tricked the other party into coming out.

Unexpectedly, the other party agreed readily and made an appointment with them.

Now everything is ready, just waiting for the bird to fly like a cage!

Huo Yi drove the car very fast and arrived at the door of the hotel in the shortest time.

The waiters in the hotel are all people they have arranged in advance, and they will arrive as soon as their car arrives. Immediately, a bodyguard pretended to be a waiter opened the door for them. While opening the door, he reported the situation inside in a low voice, "Sir, the other party is already here and waiting inside."

"How many people are here?" Huo Yi asked Li Beijue.

"One, a woman, but when the other person came in, she was wearing a hat and sunglasses, so she couldn't see her face clearly. So she couldn't tell her age."


Or alone?

Could it be that the lordship has accidentally provoked some rotten peach blossoms and has been secretly killing the young lady?

Huo Yi glanced at the man next to him and said calmly, "I know."

"Sir, are we now...?"

Li Beijue had already opened his legs and walked inside——

Huo Yi immediately followed.

Under the guidance of the arranger, we stopped outside the door of a private room.

"Sir, I'll open the door." A man holding the key to the private room was about to step forward.

The stern man had already stopped him, "No need."

Under everyone's gaze, the cold man violently kicked open the door of the private room and rushed in.

The people inside were startled when they heard a loud bang, put down the black tea cup in their hands, and suddenly turned around.

The next second, he shouted in surprise, "Beijue?"

Huo Yi had imagined thousands of possibilities, but he never thought that the person inside would be... Lu Yaqi, the lord's biological mother.

His face changed, and he subconsciously looked at the man in front, silently lowering his head.

"Everyone get out!"

Li Beijue also didn't expect that the person inside would be her.

There seemed to be a flash of anger in his eyes, his temples tightened, and he let out a low growl.


The people who came in immediately retreated like the tide.

Soon he and Lu Yaqi were the only two people left in the private room.

Li Beijue took a step forward, his temples were beating suddenly, his eagle eyes narrowed, and he asked coldly, "Why are you here?"

Lu Yaqi was panicked at first, her eyes clearly showing panic, as if she was caught off guard by Li Beijue who suddenly broke in. She twitched the corners of her mouth and tried to change the subject with a sneer, "This is a hotel, I come here to eat. Beijue, why are you here? You are in Mauritius, why didn't I know?"

Li Beijue didn't pay attention to her deliberate change of topic. His jawline was cold and hardened, "I asked you why you are here?!"

The pressure in the room increased sharply.

The atmosphere is tense!

"...I said I'm here to eat." Lu Yaqi still wanted to resist, "Why do you keep asking me this question? I'm not a prisoner."

She's still pretending to be stupid!

Li Beijue simply tore it apart and said to her, "Are you behind the scenes to set up Chi Enen?"

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