Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2213 She sent a text message threatening me to come over.

"What Chi Enen, what design?" Lu Yaqi was well-maintained and her true age was completely invisible. She looked to be in her early thirties at most, with smooth and elastic skin and a good temperament. It's just that her eyes are wandering now, which destroys her own graceful temperament, otherwise she would be more beautiful.

Thinking about it, if Lu Yaqi wasn't beautiful, it would be impossible for Li Beijue's father to like her. Not to mention giving birth to a son who always ranks first in the global diamond rankings.

Lu Yaqi calmed down for a moment, as if she had convinced herself. Faced with Li Beijue's questioning, she seemed more confident, "I don't know who you are looking for, but I really came here to eat!"

"Give me your phone." Li Beijue stretched out his hand and took a step closer. "Show me your phone. I will believe that you just happened to come here to eat."

Lu Yaqi immediately took a step back and unconsciously glanced at the brand-name handbag placed aside. "What's so good about my phone? Don't you believe what mom said?"

Li Beijue had already noticed her little movement. He stretched out his hand expressionlessly and grabbed the handbag on the table. Without saying a word, he found the mobile phone from the handbag.

He hasn't cracked the phone code yet.

Lu Yaqi couldn't stand it any longer, "That's enough! I say."

She pursed her red lips, with a hint of helplessness on her delicately made-up face, "It was Qiyun who sent me a message asking me to come over. I don't know why she asked me to come here."

"..." Li Beijue paused in turning on the phone and frowned, not expecting to get this answer. His eyes seemed like volcanoes were about to erupt, "Li Qiyun?"

Lu Yaqi said it all, and said it all at once, "It's her."

She looked gloomy and a little unhappy, and said, "She sent me a text message to threaten me to come over."

"...She threatened you?"

Lu Yaqi hesitated to speak, but finally said, "She caught me misappropriating funds from the company under your name. I don't know how she knew I was in Mauritius. Three hours ago, she suddenly sent me a text message asking me to come This hotel is waiting for her. Otherwise, she will hand over the information she has about me to your grandfather. You know your grandfather's character and hate others using the company's public funds. I'm afraid your grandfather will not let me see you after he finds out. . So, I rushed over.”

She didn't know why it was Bei Jue who came instead of Li Qiyun.

The moment Beijue kicked in the door, she was really shocked.

She thought that Li Qiyun was threatening her to come over and handing over the financial statements to the old man, which was why Bei Jue suddenly appeared, so she panicked.

But the more she listened, the more she felt something was wrong. It seemed that things were not as simple as she imagined.

"What's wrong?"

She didn't like Chi Enen before, but now Chi Enen is married to her son anyway, so as a member of the Li family, she is not vicious enough to hope that something will happen to her daughter-in-law.

Li Beijue's temples were beating suddenly, thinking of the previous phone call with Li Qiyun, then thinking of Li Qiyun's strong denial, and now...

His thin lips pursed into a straight line.

Li Qiyun!

As expected, this matter still has something to do with her!

But finding someone to take care of things is not like Li Qiyun's usual style.


the other side.

Far away in the VIP ward of the military hospital of country W.

Li Qiyun was leaning on the hospital bed. During this period, she actively cooperated with the doctor's treatment, and her overall complexion looked much better.

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