Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2214 It turned out that someone stole her phone

The little nurse poured her a glass of honey water and handed it over.

Li Qiyun just took it and took a sip.

Then I heard the little nurse shouting in a sweet voice, "Mr. Haas, you are back."

Li Qiyun suddenly felt sick in his stomach and didn't want to drink the water in the cup.

She put the water glass on the bedside and said to the sweetly smiling nurse without any dignity, "Get out."

The nurse looked back at her with a resentful look, not daring to disobey her order. Although her face was full of reluctance, she still turned around and went out...

The blond man rarely saw her showing his dislike on her face so obviously. He looked at her with evil eyes and said with a half-smile, "Don't tell me, are you jealous?"

Li Qiyun narrowed her eyes and looked at him displeased, as if she didn't bother to answer his superficial question. He stretched out his hand towards him and said, "Give me my cell phone."

Os raised a brow.

Li Qiyun did not take back his hand and said coldly, "Don't tell me that you weren't the one who took my phone while I was sleeping."

She had always been a light sleeper.

She is easily startled if a stranger approaches her.

Only this man could easily take the phone from her while she was sleeping.

"You guessed it right, I took it." Aos took out a mobile phone from his suit and gave it back to her.

Li Qiyun took the phone and tried to turn it on, but found that no matter how she pressed it, the screen was black. She raised her head, held up the phone that couldn't be turned on, and touched her red lips, "Well, shouldn't you give me a reasonable explanation?"

The man sitting by her bed very calmly picked up the oranges in the fruit basket nearby and helped her peel the shells. "There's nothing to explain. Someone from the company called me, and my phone happened to be out of battery, so I borrowed it." your phone."

"So now it's out of power and shutting down?"

Ossie put the peeled orange on the plate in a leisurely manner, and handed it over gracefully, with a half-smile in his deep, unreadable eyes, "No, it's broken."

He said it as if it was a normal thing to take someone else's phone while they were asleep, and then return the phone to someone else after being discovered, only to be caught by someone else and break the phone.

"Broken?" Li Qiyunpi smiled and said, "Don't tell me that you were so excited to use my mobile phone to answer the phone because you were busy at work that you broke my mobile phone."

"You can think so." He actually didn't deny it, saying as if it was really the case, "I accidentally dropped it into the pool when I was answering the phone. When the hospital people picked it up, it was already broken. "

Li Qiyun didn't think she was an impatient person, but at this moment, she felt like her intelligence had been humiliated. She twitched the corners of her mouth and smiled, "Do you think I am a three-year-old child? Do you believe this reason?"

"Believe it or not." Ao Si raised his chin and motioned to her, "Eat some oranges. The doctor asked you to take more vitamin C."

Li Qiyun's forbearance reached its peak, when suddenly you raised your hand and lifted the plate in his hand.

The fruit plate instantly fell to the ground and shattered into pieces.

There was a snap.

The ward became completely quiet.

Li Qiyun's beautiful face has a heroic spirit that is rare for beautiful women. At this moment, the outline of her face is tense, and her beautiful eyes are staring at the man in front of the hospital bed, "What did you do with my mobile phone? Is it related to Bei Jue?" "

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