The evil man still maintained his posture of handing the fruit plate to her, and his eyes turned cold when he heard this.

Li Qiyun didn't want to go around in circles with him and went straight to the point, "Beijue called me the day before yesterday and said that Chi Enen had an accident and asked if it was me. I denied it because I really didn't know about it."

"So you think I did it?" Ao Si slowly retracted his hand in mid-air, with no emotion or anger on his face.

"I don't think it, I just doubt it! I didn't think about you at first, but my phone suddenly disappeared. If you were me, would you believe the reason you just gave?"

"I believe it." Aos suddenly stood up from the chair, stood condescendingly beside her bed, suddenly stretched out his hand, clamped her chin, and leaned towards her, "I believe whatever you say! Even if it doesn't matter, I believe it!" You killed me with one shot, and I believed it when you told me it was a misfire."

Li Qiyun was in a daze for a moment, her brows slowly furrowed, her red lips touched, "I don't believe it."

Aos suddenly released his grip on her chin and raised the corners of his mouth with a bloodthirsty and evil look. Being polite and a gentleman in front of others are two extremes.

"Look, you don't believe anything I say, so why are you asking me?"

"I want to know if Chi Enen's accident is related to you!" Li Qiyun was not distracted by him.

She didn't know why Os did this.

But this man's behavior is really suspicious!

"Why did you touch Chi Enen?"

"It has nothing to do with you."

This is equivalent to a disguised admission.

Li Qiyun pursed her red lips and grabbed his arm, "Is it really you? The reason."

Os glanced at the hand she was holding on to him, his eyes lingering for a moment, but he quickly put it away. He pulled Li Qiyun's hand away indifferently, and said with a mocking tone, "Mrs. Oss, what are you doing now? Your reaction made me think you were going to defend the daughter of Habsden. She had an accident." "Aren't you the happiest person? There are only two of us in the ward, who are you showing this to?"

Li Qiyun bit her lower lip in humiliation, grabbed his arm again, and said calmly, "Don't misunderstand me, I just don't want to take the blame for nothing. I don't like her. But I do what I do. Admit it. I didn’t do it, so don’t blame it on me!”

"Really?" Aos didn't pull her hand away this time, but pinched her chin again. The evil eyes were as cold as the icebergs of the Himalayas, and he saw the depths of her heart at a glance, "I thought you were worried that I would be harmful to your precious 'brother', so you reacted so strongly."

The man's hot breath sprayed on her face, carrying the breath of an invader.

Li Qiyun subconsciously dodged.

Aos saw her dodge, and a trace of concentration flashed in his eyes. He took a step back and released her chin. "I advise you not to care about why I did this. I have my reasons. Just remember that in the future, Stop interfering in Chi Enen's affairs. Her affairs are very dangerous, and you can't bear that kind of danger!"

"What do you mean?"

Why is Chi Enen's matter so dangerous? She can't bear that kind of danger?

Oslo stopped mid-sentence, "It's not interesting. During this period, you stay in the hospital and recuperate. Since your mobile phone is broken, just watch more TV. After a while, I will have someone buy you a new one." Yes. During this time, don’t use your mobile phone. The doctor also told you to stay away from radiation!”

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