Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2222 Take her to the top of the mountain to paraglider

He still doesn't understand how the old man figured it out and accepted this woman.

Li Beijue looked at her fair face and his jaw softened a little.

He casually threw a hat to her and put it on her head. He put it on for her while showing disgust and said innocently, "I don't know if you are a woman. You don't know how to protect yourself from the sun in such a strong sun!"

Li Beijue helped her tie the belt under her hat, took her hand and led her to the path of the villa, "Let's go, the sun is going down."

"where to?"

"The top of the mountain!"

Chi Enen followed him to the top of the mountain.

The entire island is not high. The villa is already halfway up the mountain. How high can the top of the mountain be?

We arrived in less than twenty minutes.

The top of the mountain was not the wild grass she imagined, but a huge concrete apron.

"The old man comes here for vacation occasionally." Li Beijue simply explained the origin of the tarmac, held her hand, and walked to the servant.

"Sir, young lady."

Chi Enen still likes them to call her Miss Chi, and they call her Young Madam. She always feels a little uncomfortable with it.

The servant pulled out a colorful rectangular object and said to Li Beijue and Chi Enen, "Sir, let me tie it up for you first."


Li Beijue opened his arms.

The servant quickly helped him tie the safety rope.

When she was about to help Chi Enen, the domineering man took the thing from her hand and said, "I'll do it."

"Chi Enen, raise your arms."

"You want to go paragliding?" Chi Enen asked curiously as he opened his arms.

Although she has never played paragliding, she has seen it on TV.

"We want to play." He paused, raised his dark eyes, and glanced at her, as if he was afraid that she would be scared, "Don't worry, I'll be with you."

"I'm not very good at playing. I've never played before..." Chi Enen was not afraid, but worried that he wouldn't know how to fly up.

When she saw this sport on TV before, she also yearned for it.

Li Beijue helped her buckle the seat belt around her waist and fasten it tightly. Then he released his hand and checked it again for her. After making sure that nothing was not tied properly, he grabbed her hand and said, "You don't have to worry about anything. Then leave it to me to operate. You just need to watch the scenery!”

He specially asked people to improve the operation method of paragliding.

Everything that needs to be operated is on his side.

"Go, get ready." He told the servant beside him.

The servant immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and went to communicate with the other party.

Less than a minute.

The servant walked up to them respectfully and said, "Sir, everything is ready and can take off at any time."

"Chi Enen, close your eyes. Listen to me count to 321, and then take a deep breath. Do you understand?" His handsome face was arrogant and noble. With him around, he felt absolutely safe.

Chi Enen nodded.

He was still uneasy and covered Chi Enen's eyes with one hand.

In the darkness, the body's senses are infinitely magnified. The sudden feeling of being plunged into darkness made her breath short for no reason.

She didn't like the darkness.

Especially after experiencing the elevator, she didn't like dark environments even more.

"Chi Enen, get ready."

"321. Breathe!"

She took a deep breath, the sound of wind came to her ears, and she felt like her whole body was suspended in the air——

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