The feeling of breaking away from gravity and breaking the wind once made her want to scream.

Her eyes were covered by warm palms, and being exposed to the warmth made her feel less nervous. The wind whistled past her ears, making her cheeks feel cold.

No wonder Li Beijue put a coat on her before going out, and even gave her a hat with a belt.

Otherwise, she would definitely be cold now, and her hair would be blown into a mess by the wind...

Wait for the rising feeling to calm down.

Chi Enen blinked curiously, her eyelashes brushing against his palm, and she asked softly, "Li Beijue, can I open my eyes?"

"As long as you're ready." The man's hoarse and deep voice sounded in his ears.

Chi Enen raised the corners of his mouth and said with joy, "I'm ready."

She just finished speaking.

She felt the big hand covering her eyes slowly move away, and what came into view was a large blue sea, an endless sea and dots of islands appearing on the sea.

She was flying in the air.

Above her head was the colorful rectangular hang glider she had seen before.

"Li Beijue, I heard the sound of the wind!"

The wind blew by her ears, that feeling...

Chi Enen couldn't describe it.

She had never felt so free.

It was as if she had not only escaped gravity, it seemed as if her whole body was flying along with her body.

That kind of freedom, willfulness, vastness, and open-mindedness was like opening her eyes, and the world in her eyes changed along with him.

Chi Enen took a breath of oxygen and didn't know where to look.

"Where to go over there?" she asked, pointing to a U-shaped island.

"Sipley Island."

"What about over there?"

"Kami Island."

"Over there..."

Chi Enen pointed to a series of islands, and Li Beijue patiently answered her one by one.

There were stars in her eyes, which were astonishingly bright. She turned her head and looked at the man next to her, "Li Beijue."



His heart beat a beat, his eyes locked on hers, his thin lips touched up and down, "Can't hear you."

Chi Enen almost rolled her eyes at him. How could he not hear her at such a close distance? Then how come he heard everything she just talked to him.

But she didn't want to roll her eyes now. She made her hands like a trumpet, opened her voice, and shouted loudly, "Li Beijue——"


Anyway, there are only two of them here, so even if she indulges once, no one will know.

It was the first time that Chi Enen was so carefree, as if he was suddenly back when he was a child, without having to worry about anything or think about anything.

After she shouted loudly, she felt very happy.

He didn't notice the darkening eyes of the man next to him, "What I want to hear is not thank you."


Li Beijue grabbed her hand, and in mid-air, his rose-colored thin lips looked like a masterpiece of God, really like the flying sun god Apollo, "I like you."


Chi Enen's heart beat violently.

She had heard these four words from him often, but at this special time and in this special place, hearing him say them gave people a particularly different feeling for some reason.

It seems to be particularly touching.

The next second.

"What I want to hear is that you say this, not thank you."

The romantic atmosphere that had finally been built up was suddenly destroyed by him.

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