Chi Enen was speechless.

Bit her lower lip.


Li Beijue didn't have much hope, after all, this woman was used to being reserved.

Just when he had given up hope.


"Li Beijue - I like you -"

Loud enough for him to hear clearly.

"Li Beijue - Happy honeymoon -"

Chi Enen said what she was thinking loudly, and that feeling was much more comfortable than before when she always kept it to herself.

She liked him anyway.

If she didn't like him, she would be sick and marry him.

It was a fact that she liked him, what couldn't she say?

What she liked was reasonable and legal.

"Li Beijue - thank you -"

Compared with the previous two sentences, this was the one she wanted to say the most.

Thank you for meeting you, thank you for all you prepared, thank you for the little surprises that often come in life, thank you for always being there, thank you for finally getting married...

Chi Enen looked into the distance with her bright eyes, the sun, the sea, the seagulls, the islands, all the beautiful scenery were imprinted in her pupils and in her mind.

She believed that even if she was in her seventies or eighties, she would still remember today, when he brought her here and let her fly freely in the sky. He had accompanied her to see such beautiful scenery.

This is probably what others say, deep affection is not as good as long-term companionship.

Because companionship is life.

The consequence of being too indulgent was that when they came down, Chi Enen's throat was completely hoarse.

While blowing the wind, she shouted loudly, and the wind poured into her throat, which hurt her throat.

Huo Yi made her a cup of honey water and handed it to her, "Miss Chi, drink some water."

"Well, thank you."

Chi Enen took the cup and took a sip.

The warm hot water moisturized her throat, which should have been very comfortable, but because her throat was injured, it was a little painful.

Chi Enen frowned uncomfortably.

A blanket was covered on her head.

"You deserve it. Who told you to let yourself go completely!" Chi Enen pulled off the blanket he had thrown away and wrapped it around herself, saying in a depressed voice, "You're the one who took me out to play." "I'm taking you to the bathroom, do you want to eat shit?" "..." Chi Enen decided to ignore him. His mouth was too poisonous. She sat by the swimming pool, drinking her honey water bit by bit. Li Beijue raised his eyebrows when he saw that she ignored him. He untied the belt of his bathrobe, took off his bathrobe, jumped into the super-large swimming pool, and swam. He was agile and seemed to have turned into a mermaid in the water, with an amazing speed. Chi Enen was sitting there drinking water, and her eyes were unconsciously attracted by the people in the swimming pool. Li Beijue swam back and forth quickly, as if he was tired, and suddenly jumped out of the water, throwing out a series of water splashes. What was more attractive than the water splashes was the way he came out of the water. It's a bit too much to describe a man as a lotus emerging from the water, but it's not too much to describe him.

Because he's really so beautiful.

The water drops slid down his solid chest, and the sexiness of the hormones bursting out was something that no woman could look away from.

Chi Enen shamefully looked at him twice more.

Fortunately, Li Beijue didn't notice her little move, but rested for a few seconds before re-immersing himself in the blue swimming pool -

Huo Yi respectfully stood by the edge of the swimming pool, with a clean towel on his arm, waiting quietly.

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