Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2236 Being constantly urged to get married is not the answer

Chi Enen was pulled and lectured a lot by him again, until she quickly raised her hands to show that she didn't know how to drink or talk to anyone, Chi Baobao reluctantly let him go.

When she went down, the driver was already here.


After the driver said hello, he opened the door for her.

Chi Enen lifted up her skirt and got into the car.

The car drove all the way to a five-star hotel on the seaside.

Before going, she didn't know what kind of banquet she was inviting Quan Dongting to tonight. When the car drove to the hotel, she met Quan Dongting. She noticed that a large number of media reporters gathered at the entrance of the hotel. A long red carpet was laid out in front of the hotel, and a signature board was set up on the red carpet.

It didn't look like a banquet, but more like an award ceremony where celebrities gathered.

Chi Enen looked at the red carpet full of reporters and asked the mature and steady man next to him with a headache, "Uncle, are we going to walk on the red carpet?"

Quan Dongting frowned, his brown eyes swept across the noisy red carpet, and said calmly, "No. Let's go in through another door."

He is not a star and has no interest in exposure.

When Chi Enen heard that she didn't have to face so many reporters, her tense shoulders immediately relaxed. She didn't like being photographed by the spotlight, especially when there were so many.

After a while, a person dressed as a staff member hurriedly came out. After finding them, he respectfully led them towards the banquet hall from another direction.

As Chi Enen walked in, he couldn't help but said to Quan Dongting, "Uncle, it's not possible for you to be forced to get married by your grandma. Have you ever thought about taking the female orthopedic doctor back to grandma? Bar."

Quan Dongting didn't expect her to mention this. His mature and elegant face was unnatural for a moment, and he denied it, "She and I are not the kind of relationship you think."

"Isn't that female doctor my uncle's girlfriend?"

She accidentally injured her leg in country T before and broke it.

At that time, her uncle took her to that hospital to see a doctor, and her interaction with the female doctor left a particularly deep memory in her mind.

Haas also mentioned several times after that about him and the female doctor.

Anyway, she felt that her uncle was quite special to the female doctor.

"No." He frowned and found an accurate adjective, "ex-girlfriend."

He turned his head to look at Chi Enen and warned, "Well, don't tell your grandma about this. She and I are just exes. I'm afraid that your grandma won't believe it and will go to where other people work and disturb other people's lives." ”

"I know." Chi Enen only cared about him, but she wasn't big enough to interfere in his private life. After a few gossips, she changed the subject, "By the way, uncle, what kind of banquet is today? What do I need to do now?”

They were almost entering, and she didn't even know what kind of banquet it was or what role she would play later.

"It's a charity banquet. You don't have to do anything. Accompany me to meet a friend later, and then you can go eat something, drink water, and have a rest. After I finish the entertainment, we can leave early. "

Originally, he didn't have to come to a dinner of this level.

However, the person hosting the dinner was a friend of his for several years, so he still took the time to come over as a favor. But no matter how much you give them face, they don’t have to stay until the end. They can leave after staying for a while.

Chi Enen roughly understood her task, nodded, took his arm, raised the corner of her mouth, kept smiling, played the role of her female companion, and said softly, "Okay."

at this time--

"Duke, Miss, here we are." The waiter led them into the reception hall.

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